Chapter 25

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Zoe's POV

Harry arrives back with my clothes and I end up going back to Liam's to get clothes that actually match. I spend a little extra time trying to trim my messy bangs, which end up turning out not as good as I hoped, but not completely horrible either.

"That took you long- woah! What the hell? Why did you cut your hair?" Harry greets me when I open the door.

"Don't like it?" I ask twirling a piece of my newly cut bangs.

"Uh-" He scratches his head. "Actually it looks okay. I didn't think you would get a haircut in the time being, but oh well."

I laugh at him.

"Thanks, Harry." I kiss his dimpled cheeks.

"Liam is coming back." Harry says and takes a seat across from me on the bar stools.

Of course he is.

"I don't know if I'll see him anyway." I finish my breakfast I started before I left to get clothes.

"Where are you going?"

"To find a new job." I lie. Well, sort of. I really do want to find a new job but I wasn't planning on looking for one today.

Harry nods.

"You should work at the studio." Harry politely suggests.

"I'm not into music." I snap.

"You don't have to be." Harry rubs my shoulder. "You could stack CD's and records in the display room."

I guess I could consider working with the guys. It would be a lot better than sitting around all day, calling in work 'claiming' that I'm awfully sick.

It would bring Liam and I closer. . .

"I wouldn't keep your hopes up." I let

Harry drink the last of my now room-temperature orange juice.

He stands off the stool. "It's okay, I'll give you time to think about it." He whispers.

I nod and roll my eyes.

These boys.

He runs up the stairs leaving me alone in the kitchen. I can't blow off Holly again, whatever she wants to say is itching away at the back of my mind; I need to know.

I decide to leave Harry without any notice so I don't have to interrupt his free-time. He needs the space since I practically stole his bed last night.

I remember Liam telling me all of his car keys were under the bathroom sink so no one could possibly think of getting them there.

I check the cabinet and pull off the big black key with a Ford symbol on it. I'm sure it's Harry's or Niall's truck since the key is pretty banged up.

The elevator door closes smoothly, until someone's hand swipes across to stop it.

Niall steps into view.

"Just in time." I smile at him.

He nods awkwardly.

"Niall, I really don't want thing to be awkward like this between us." I complain.

I already know whenever he see's me he probably thinks about the mishap kiss.

He sighs loudly. "I don't either, but-"

"I KNOW, NIALL! WE MESSED UP!" I raise my voice. I wasn't planning on yelling at anyone at this early in the morning.

He coward in the corner. Knowing Niall he wouldn't be afraid, but I think I've made that official.

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