Chapter 4

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Adrianna POV

"Soooo Sherye. How's Liam?" I say and wink. We are sitting in our room changing out of our bathing suits. She blushes. I pick my phone up and check it. I have a message from my mum. I slip on shorts, a t-shirt and sneakers and quickly respond. I walk out to see Mal and Louis being coupley and groan. "Really guys?" I tease. They break apart and Mallory blushes. I roll my eyes and settle on the couch to talk with my mum in peace.

Jess's POV

Once i finish changing into jeans and a shirt, I walk out and sit next to Adrianna, and pull out my iPhone. I open my messages. I text my mum for a while before my stomach starts grumbling. Niall bangs through the doors, shouting, "I'm hungry!"

"Then come with me, my little leprechaun,'' I say. "We can get food and bring it back so we can hang out here and eat." He nods and we leave a note for everyone. We hop onto one of the golf carts and leave for the mess hall. On the way there, he tells me about his family, and I tell him about mine. Ignoring the butterflies in my stomach was very difficult but I managed. We grabbed a few boxes of pizza and headed back to the cabin.

"DINNER!!" I shout and soon we have 11 people fighting for a piece, or 3, of pizza. We eventually all get pizza and sit on the couches. Sherye and Liam are on a love seat, Me and Niall on another and Lou and Mal on the third. Everyone else is on the couch or the floor. We are all absorbed in conversation that no one notices Sherye and Liam sneak outside. However, when they come in, hand and hand, we all jumped on them.

"Are you guys finally dating?" Adrianna shrieks. Sherye nods with a grin on her face. We all squeal and hug them.

Later, at the bonfire, we all have a great time, singing and joking. Right before the end, Niall gets up and pulls me with him. I follow him, curiosity growing. He looks at me and smiles.

"Just wanted to say, goodnight away from everyone, and I wanted to see if you wanted to, um," he said. "If you wanted to hang out again tomorrow."

"Sounds great!" I say and smile. He grins and leans closer to me. My heart is bounding at my rib cage, threatening to explode. Finally, his lips touch mine in a soft kiss. At first, I'm too stunned to respond, but then I kiss back softly. We break apart and he smiles again.

"See you tomorrow, Jess," he says. I just nod, still in shock. He walks away, leaving me standing there, completely dumbfounded. The only thing going through my mind:

I just kissed Niall fricken Horan.


A/N I bet u guys thought he was gonna ask her out. Hehe. Anyways u can thank mal and rae for making me update this. I promise ill try to update faster. Luv u all please vote! ~Jessi

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