Chapter 12

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Jess's POV

It's nearly the end of summer now. We have spent so much time together and it's been great. But now I've been stressing out for a major show at the end of the week. Niall's been so supportive. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. I look over at him from my spot on the couch. He's sitting looking through twitter and I'm laying down with my legs draped over his lap, mentally creating a checklist. Louis and Mal are at a doctor's appointment. Mal's only a couple months in but they both get so excited when it's time for an appointment.

"Hey Jess?" Niall asks suddenly.

"Yeah Ni?" I answer.

"Nothing. Just like hearing your voice," he smiles.

"You're so cheesy," I grin sitting up and pecking his cheek.

"And hot. Wanna swim?" he suggests.

"Definitely." We change quickly and run to the water. Niall scoops me up on the dock and jumps in holding me. We have a mini splash fight until we both get splashed by the others jumping in after us.

"SPLASH FIGHT!" Sherye shouts and splashes Liam. He shakes his head to get the water out of his eyes and chases after her and dunks her. Rae and I dive under and swim away fast, avoiding Niall's and Harry's splashes. They swim after us and we race around the large pond. They finally catch us and grab us, throwing us up out of the water and back in. We are all exhausted by now, so we just wade around and relax. Louis's car appears in front of the house so we all start getting out. I run behind Niall and jump onto his back making him carry me back to the cabin. We walk in and find Mal and Louis doing a happy dance in the kitchen.

"Um?" Adrianna asks confused.

"What the heck?" Ally adds.

"GUESS WHAT!" Louis shouts excitedly.

"The baby is doing really well?" Sherye guesses.

"Not baby," Mal corrects.

"You mean," I start.

"Babies," Louis confirms, wrapping Mallory in a hug from behind. "Twins." He grins happily and Mallory mirrors his expression.

"OH MY GOD!!" Harry shouts, running to give his best friend a hug. They hug for a really long time as the other boys crowd around them.

"I swear they're all secretly cheating on us with each other," Mal jokes, one hand on her growing bump. We laugh and all run to hug her as well.

"Do you guys know what genders they are?" Adrianna asks.

"One boy and one girl," Mal says.

"You guys need to think of names!" Zayn says. We all nod in agreement.

"How about now while we're waiting for Ed to show up?" Adri suggests. Ed is coming to join us for the last month at camp. We all sit around the table with a bowl of pretzels and throw names around.





"HOLD THE PHONE!" Louis shouts. "Avery Tomlinson," he says, almost in a daze.

"Avery Joselyn Tomlinson!" Mal shouts excitedly.

"That's perfect!" Louis says and hugs her. "One down, one to go." We are interrupted by Ed's arrival so we take a break and help him bring his bags to Adri's room. Then we sit down again and throw more names around.



"Aiden?" Ed suggests. Mal turns to him and smiles.

"Beautiful," she responds.

"Aiden Christopher Tomlinson?" Louis suggests. We all nod. They grin happily and kiss shortly. We all smile, so happy for them. We decide to go to bed early so after we finish cleaning up we all go to our rooms. I curl up into Niall, and he wraps his arms around me. I sigh happily and drift into a comfortable sleep.

The next morning is the show so I have to get up early and get ready. I put on drawstring shorts and a tank so I can change easily. Niall wakes up at the same time and gets dressed too. We go to the kitchen and grab a quick breakfast before waking everyone else up.

"Don't wake me uuuppppp," Zayn sings quietly as I shake his shoulder and I burst out laughing. He chuckles too and wakes Ally up.

"No, I don't wanna. Lemme stay here. I love you," she murmurs still sleeping and cuddles deeper into Zayn. His features relax into a gentle, happy smile and he strokes her hair. I aww at the cuteness and leave the room, leaving Zayn to wake Ally up. Niall is leaving Harry's and Rae's room and his face is bright red.

"They're in different beds but I forgot that Harry sleeps naked when he's by himself so I ripped his covers off and," he stops and blushes further, covering his eyes.

"My poor little leprechaun," I whisper and kiss his nose. He smiles and kisses me quickly before going to check he had everything set in the car we were taking. Everyone got up and by the time Niall was done we were all set. We all hop into our cars and drive to the showgrounds. We park by the barns and Niall, Sherye, and I carry my stuff in to put by Ariel's stall.

"Nialler, come with me, I gotta sign in," I half whine. He grabs my hand and we walk to registration and I collect my number and my course papers. I take them back to the group and Mal and I analyze them.

"That one's gonna be tough," Mal says, pointing to a jump. I nod and continue memorizing until an hour before my turn. I brush Ariel until she shining and tack her up carefully. Once she's done I run to the bathroom and change into my show clothes quickly. I hop on and warm up for a few minutes until I hear my number being called.

"Good luck Jess, you got this," Niall says as I pass him on my way in. I smile and start the course. We fly over jump after jump. Finally we get to the jump Mallory was worrying about. I urge her a little more forward. We go up to the jump and suddenly Ariel stops. I fly over her neck and land awkwardly on my wrist.

"Jess! Jessi!" I hear Niall shout. And then I black out.


Damn suspense. Hehe. This needs some drama. Nice long chapter too. At least for me it is lol. Next update will be soon idk when cuz..... ITS MY BIRTHDAY ON TUESDAY!!! :D so u should all vote for this chapter and follow me ;D

Luv u all!! ~Jess

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