Chapter 10

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Mallory's POV

The bed shifts as I get up, waking Louis. I rush to the bathroom, a hand over my mouth and stomach, holding in the feeling in my stomach. Lou gets up as well and follow me. I lean over the toilet and empty my stomach.

"Shh it's ok baby," I hear Lou whisper. I sit back when I feel a little better. Louis strokes my hair softly.

"Help me up baby? I need to brush my teeth," I say. He helps me to my feet and I walk to the sink and brush the taste out of my mouth. Once I'm done, Lou pecks my lips.

"You okay now?" he asks, concerned. I nod. "Love you," he says.

"Love you too," I respond, pecking his lips. "Let's go back to bed," I say. We walk back in and get under the blankets and cuddle. Louis falls asleep almost right away. However, I can't sleep. It feels weird, I feel perfectly fine and I just got sick. Suddenly, I panic. What if... I shake my head slightly. I'll find out in the morning. For now, I'm sleeping. I snuggle further into the comfort of Louis's arms. I go back to sleep for a few hours until I'm woken up by the sound of Niall and Jess goofing around in the kitchen, making breakfast. I nudge Louis awake.

"Hmm, what?" he says in his scratchy morning voice.

"Morning sleepyhead," I giggle and kiss him. He kisses back for a few seconds before we get up and go to the kitchen where Niall and Jess are attempting to cook pancakes. Attempting. They are covered head to toe in flour and there are chocolate chips all over the place.

"Um guys?" Louis questions. They look up at us and crack up.

"Um yeah... It was Niall's fault!" Jess exclaims, pointing at her boyfriend.

"Was not!" Niall protests, picking her up.

"No Ni! Put me down!" Jess shouts, kicking.

"Nope not until you take it back," he smirks, tickling her.

"No, stop, please! Fine! It wasn't all Niall's fault!" she gasps breathlessly. He stops tickling her and puts her down. She leans against him as she catches her breath.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" he asks concerned, looking in her eyes.

"I'm fine, just, out of breath," Jess answers slowly. He nods and kisses her gently. Louis groans.

"Real-" Louis starts but is interrupted by me kissing him. He kisses back happily. So with two couples in mini makeout sessions, breakfast is very neglected. Eventually, Adrianna comes into the kitchen and groans.

"Really guys? Just cuz I'm single doesn't mean it's ok for you to be coupley!" she complains. I pull away from Louis reluctantly. Suddenly the feeling in my stomach comes back and I run to the bathroom, emptying my stomach again. This time Jess comes in. I'm happy because I really need to talk to her. I lock the door so no one can come in and turn to Jess.

"Jess, this is the second time I've gotten sick this morning, but now I feel perfect and it was the same last time," I explain. "I think I might be," I start and whisper the end," pregnant."

"Ooh I'm gonna be an aunt!" she squeals. I shush her. "Ok, let's get some tests, and some donuts since no one wants to cook." I agree and we go to quickly get dressed. After I finish pulling on my sweats, hoodie and uggs, we head out.

"We're going to get donuts!" I shout.

"Ok!" Louis shouts back. Jess giggles.

"What?" I ask.

"You guys are perfect for each other," she giggles. I laugh too and we hop into the car. We head to the store and grab like 6 packages of donuts. I grab 3 tests and we check out quickly. Jess drives back and I think. I'm still 19, almost 20. Louis's 21! We're too young to be parents. I start breathing fast as I imagine how he'll react. Will he break up with me? Jess notices my state and grabs my hand.

"Don't worry Mal, he loves you, you love him. It'll all work out," she reassures me. I sigh as we pull in. I slip the tests in my coat pocket and bring the bags of donuts to the kitchen. I run to the bathroom and hide the tests so I can take them after we eat. I wash my hands quickly to make it seem like I was just doing that and run back to the kitchen to grab some donuts before Niall and Jess ate them all. She had picked up on his eating habits and now you had to watch them. They could put away a ton of food in a blink of an eye. I grab three donuts, feeling extremely hungry and eat them. Then, I excuse myself and look at Jess. She leaves too and comes with me to help me. I take the tests and set them on the counter, so I can wait the five minutes. Jess hugs me, reassuring me that it'll be ok.

The five minutes are up too fast. I pick up one and look. A plus. I look at the other two which say the same thing. I sink to the floor, staring at the test.

"Jess, I'm having a baby."

"That's great!" she says.

"No it's not. I can't tell Lou yet, he'll leave me," I choke out.

"No, he won't. You will tell him, sooner or later. You guys will be the best parents ever," she says sternly. I smile weakly.

"Ok," I lie. I know I can't tell him anytime soon, but maybe later.

Ally's POV

"Where are they going?" Zayn asks me. I shrug.

"No clue. I'm gonna go get dressed." I get up and go to our room and pick out some clothes. I hear the door open and turn to Zayn, but he grabs me and holds me against the wall, kissing me hungrily. I'm surprised at first, but soon kiss back, snaking my hands through his hair. His hands slip down to my waist. He slips his tongue in my mouth and we continue to make out. Eventually, we stop to catch our breath. I lean against him, my head against his chest, my arms around his waist. He wraps his hands around my waist, too.

"Ally, I love you so much," he mumbles into my hair. I smile widely and look up at him.

"I love you too," I whisper, pecking his lips softly. I step away and grab my clothes, going to the bathroom to change. I close the door and lean against it, a happy grin on my face. Could this day start any better?


A/N so yeah malouis is preggo!!! what's lou gonna think??? find out in one of the next couple chapters lol. And ooohhh zally is so cute. Lol. Anyways enjoy the new chapter and i'll update again soon. Love you all!!!

Follow me on twitter: @xjesshoranx

Instagram: @britishgirls_at_heart (one d fanpage)

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