Chapter 24

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Niall's POV

"Hey boys, over here!"

I groan mentally. Of course the paps are here. I slide my raybans on and watch Jess put her's on too.

"I hate paps," I complain.

"Well, let's give them what they're asking for, we might as well," she smirks. I look at her confused and she jumps on my back. I laugh and hold under her thighs to keep her from falling. We walk out with the others and smile for the cameras. I peck her cheek and the cameras flash wildly. I hear Louis shout something and continue walking. I can't make out what he said over the sound of the paps.

"Hey Niall over here!"

"How's the tour going?"

I answer some of the nicer ones until i start hearing some rude ones.

"Hey Niall I like your girlfriends ass!"

"Have you guys done it yet?"

I flush with anger and set Jess down carefully before turning to the large group of people.

"Ok that's way out of line. Jess and I, as well as the others, would appreciate a private love life, which means NOT asking if we've 'done it'!" I shout angrily. Jess grabs my hand and kisses me quickly to calm me down. I relax slightly, but I'm still pissed. We finally get into the car and I sit cuddled with Jess. Once we get to the buses all the girls but Sherye are asleep as well as Louis. Sherye and Liam were watching the new Thor movie on Liam's phone.

"I just love Tom Hiddleston so much," she said sighing. I laugh at Liam's confused face. Sherye notices it as well and kisses him quickly. "Not as much as I love you though!" The car parks in front of our bus.

"You guys have a show tomorrow, so rest up," Paul says. We nod and scoop up the girls. I carry Jess who rests her head against my chest. I smile and kiss her forehead and carry her into the bus, setting her on our bunk. She curls up in a ball and shivers slightly. I quickly change and hop in next to her, cuddling her to me. I quickly fall asleep next to her.

Harry's POV

"Harry, Haz, baby wake up, I'm hungry," I hear.

"Go away," I groan rolling over.

"Well then," Rae scoffs, pretending to be offended. I roll back over to her.

"Sorry baby, I love youuuu," I smile goofily at her. She laughs. "Anyways, what do you want? I'll make breakfast," I ask her.

"Waffles!!" she exclaims excitedly. I laugh at her excitement and get up, slipping on a pair of sweatpants. Rae wraps her arms around my bare torso and kisses me. I kiss her back softly. We break apart from the kiss but Rae keeps her arms around me and rests her head on my chest. She's much shorter than me, so her head is right at my collar bone. I wrap my arms around her and hold her against me for a long time.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her, breaking the comfortable silence. She nods. "Ok come on," I say taking her hand and walking to the kitchen part of the bus. Adrianna and Ed are on the couch opposite the kitchen section making out. I roll my eyes at them and turn away from them. I quickly mix the batter up for the waffles and start putting them in the iron. I dip my finger in the mix and dot it on Rae's nose.

"Hey!" she exclaims. She gets some batter on her finger and wipes it across my cheek. "Gotcha!" she giggles. I wipe it off and kiss her nose.

"Weirdo," I mumble. She pouts and I laugh, making her grin at me. The iron thing beeps and I pull out the first waffle and place it in a plate, handing it to her. She quickly gobbles it down. Suddenly we hear one of the babies crying.

"Uh-oh," Rae mutters. She puts the last piece in her mouth and we go to Louis' and Mal's room. Louis is up, rocking a crying Aiden.

"Shh please stop crying," he begs the baby desperately, not wanting him to wake Mal up.

"Lou, where's his pacifier?" Rae asks, quickly working out a solution in her head.

"In the bag," he says nodding towards a blue bag. I dig through it and produce the pacifier. Louis takes it and gives it to Aiden. He stops crying almost right away. Louis sighs with relief. Rae smiles at the cute baby and I sneak up behind her, wrapping my arms around her.

"Someday we'll have our own," I whisper in her ear. Rae turns to me and smiles.




im going on vacation next sunday :) but its on a cruise so no wifi :( but ill write up some chapters and post them when i get wifi. See yall laters!!

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Love u all ~Jess


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