Chapter 19

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Ally's POV

The next morning, I wake up wrapped in Zayn's protective arms. I turn to face him and gently kiss him.

"Hmm, morning baby girl," he murmurs, flickering his eyes open.

"Morning! I'm hungry! Let's go!" I say, surprisingly peppy for the hour. Zayn chuckles, but obeys and we change and get ready in ten minutes.

"Let's wake the others up," Zayn suggests. I agree and we head into the hallway, running into Mal and Louis.

"Hungry?" I ask Mal.

"You have no idea how hungry I am with twins," Mal groans, rubbing her stomach. I laugh and follow her down the hall. We head into Harry's and Rae's room where they are cuddled together.

"I almost feel bad for waking them up," I whisper to Mal, before jumping onto the bed, and it's inhabitants.

"Ugh Ally," Harry groans, covering his face with the pillow. Rae just shoots the finger and rolls over. I roll my eyes and rip the covers off.

"No!!!" Rae protests, curling up in a ball.

"Yes!!!" I reply sarcastically, and pull her off her bed. She lands on the floor and gets up, shooting me a look. I laugh and pull Harry to the floor too.

"Ugh," he groans again, sitting up.

"Good, all set, time for Jess and Niall," I state.

"NO!!" Harry and Rae shout together.

"Um, why?" I ask confused.

"Uh hmm let's just say that things went rated r last night with them," Harry stutters out.

"Ohhhh, yeah I'm not going in there," I shake my head.

"I got it," Mal smirks. She leaves the room and quietly opens the door with the extra key she has for their door. We follow her to the hallway, Harry and Rae still in their pajamas. "Ok, Niall, get some pants on and carry Jess down for breakfast because I'm assuming she isn't gonna be able to walk," Mal says, after hitting them both in the arm to wake them up.

I look at Zayn, with wide eyes and crack up. Soon, he's rolling on the floor next to me, laughing his head off too.

"Not funny Mal!" Niall shouts.

"Get out!" Jess adds. Mallory laughs, exiting the room and high fiving Louis. We head down the stairs to where Ed, Adri, Liam, and Sherye are getting waffles from the hotel buffet. We join them and retrieve our own food. Sherye is on her phone, as well as Adri, Ed, and Rae. We all eat quietly, concentrating on the food. Niall and Jess come down into the room later, shooting death glares at Mal. She laughs and continues eating.

"So, how was it?" I ask teasingly.

"Fantastic," she says sarcastically. Niall pulls her into a side hug, whispering something in her ear. She nods and kisses him before taking his hand and leading him to the food.

Sherye's POV

"Gosh, it's freezing," I say, crossing my arms tightly. Back on the bus, we are all hanging out, getting ready for the next show.

"Here, take this," Liam says, offering me one of his blue hoodies. I slip it on and smile at him. I cuddle into him and turn on my phone. I hesitate after unlocking it. I really don't wanna go on twitter, but I'm really bored. I decide to go on it and tap on the icon. I go through the tweets in my timeline before checking my notifications. After reading a few, I almost immediately regret it.

'Liam could do so much better'

'Why is he dating a fat slut? he could be dating someone pretty'

'Honestly she should just kill herself'

'Never gonna ship it #nosheriam'

I stare at tweet after tweet. Nothing good. Only every once in a while does a fan say something nice. But it's just hate, hate, and more hate. All crashing down on me. I excuse myself from the group and head to the bathroom. I close the door and face my reflection in the mirror. I study the image and feel tears coming. Maybe they're right. Maybe I don't deserve him. Liam could get someone much prettier. As hard as I try, I know it's impossible. I shake my head as the tears fall silently. I continue staring at the mirror, pointing out every flaw to myself, finding every part of me that I hated. By the time, the tears stopped I had made up my mind.

"Liam?" I say quietly, walking back in the room after fixing my makeup. He looks up.

"What's up?" he asks me. I gesture to the door, indicating I want to talk to him outside, privately. He nods and follows me out the door. "What's wrong?" he asks again.

"Liam, I can't anymore," I blurt out. "I can't be with you anymore, just the hate is too much, and you deserve someone so much better than me," I mumble, tears falling again.

"No, Sherye," Liam whispers, wiping my tears with his thumb.

"I'm sorry Li, but I have to," I whisper. He shakes his head sadly but I already made up my mind. "The hate never ends, and besides you can get another girl who's much prettier than me," I tell him. He keeps shaking his head, a tear slipping out of his eye.

"I'm sorry Liam," I whisper, before going back into the bus. He remains standing, staring at something in the distance.

"Sherye? What's wrong," Rae asks, noticing my state when I return.

"I- we broke up," I choke out before running to my bunk, and crying my heart out. Rae sits next to me, stroking my hair as I cuddle to my pillow, still wearing Liam's sweatshirt. Despite Rachel's comforting actions, I still cry until eventually my eyes close and I drift into a restless sleep.


Guys i made myself cry writing this like cmon. Wahh. Im a bad person. Well ill update again soon lovelies!! please vote!!!!

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Love you all!!! ~Jess

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