Chapter 11

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Jess's POV

Today's the last day of break so we are celebrating by going out again. Mal's still getting sick all the time and I know she's worried Louis's going to assume something.

"What if he figures it out?" she said when we were talking this morning. She looked pale from all the stress.

"Then you guys will have one big happy family! You need to stop stressing out so much," I assured her. She just shook her head and went back to eating. I sigh thinking about it. I feel bad but it happened for a reason. I'm sure she'll tell Lou sooner or later.

I finish changing into my crop top, jeans, and supras and walk out to grab my phone from the charger. I feel arms wrap around my waist and smile, knowing it's Niall.

"Hey princess, you look gorgeous," he says, kissing my cheek. I turn to look at him, seeing his outfit of black jeans, white shirt, and supras.

"We're matching," I add with a grin.

"Indeed we are," he jokes and kisses me again. I giggle and kiss back. He pushes me against the counter slightly, kissing me harder. I bring my hands up to his hair, tugging on it slightly. He grunts pulls me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"OI NO BABYMAKING!!" Harry shouts, walking in with his arm around Rae's waist. We break apart and I blush, burying my face in Niall's chest. He hugs me tight and releases me, walking to the fridge to grab a snack before we go. I roll my eyes at him and turn back to my phone, going on twitter. I check my mentions. There's quite a bit of positive stuff, but there's also a lot of hate. Niall posted a picture of us a while ago that said 'me and my princess <3' and since then my twitter has gone crazy. I frown at the hate and tweet at some of the nice fans. They always freak out and it makes me happy to see that I can make someone's life so happy.

"Watcha doing?" Liam asks, leaning against the counter and peeking at my phone.

"Twitter," I answer, distractedly.

"Don't listen to any hate. They're just jealous," he says seriously.

"Don't worry Li, as long as I have my Nialler, I'm happy as a clam," I assure him. He nods, happy with the answer and gives me a hug before going off to find his girlfriend. I smile at his actions. He's just like a big brother to me. It hits me then how we have become one big family. I smile at that thought. We all look out for each other and I know no matter what, we'll always be there for each other.

Sherye's POV

'You're so ugly'

'You don't deserve Liam'

'Go kill yourself'

I look through my twitter and see all of the hate. The last one really hits me. How could someone just say that? I don't even notice the tears until Liam comes in the room. He immediately wraps me in a hug.

"Shh, Sherye, what's wrong?" he asks, rubbing circles on my back.

"Twitter, they're all so mean. I mean how can you just tell someone to kill themselves?!?" I cry into the crook of his neck.

"Shh, sweetie don't listen to them. It's not true. If anything, I don't deserve such a beautiful, selfless, wonderful girl. I love you so much Sherye," he whispers to me.

"I love you too Li," I whisper back, and kiss him. He kisses back gently until we break apart.

"You know, my friends used to call me Sarge all the time. That was my nickname," I laughed, remembering.

"Sarge?" he chuckled. "Well, let's get going Sarge!" I laugh and follow him out of our room to the main room, where everyone else is waiting.

"LET'S GO PEOPLE I WANNA SEE MY BOYFRIEND!!" Adrianna shouts and we all laugh. She started dating Ed a little while ago after Harry introduced the two. We all pile into the cars and head to the club for a night of partying.

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