Chapter 9

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Niall's POV

I glance at Jess as I drive. Eventually, I turn on the radio. She scrunches her nose cutely and changes it to a different song.

"You look cute when you do that nose thing," I blurt, blushing. She smiles softly and blushes too. We arrive at the restaurant, a cute italian place, and get out. We walk in hand in hand.

"Table for two?" the waitress asks boredly. I nod and she takes us to a small table in the corner of the restaurant. We sit down as she hands us the menus. We order our drinks and she leaves.

"So, how has camp been so far for you?" I ask Jess.

"It's been a ton of fun. Probably the best summer I've ever had," she answers, grinning.

"And why is that?" I ask.

"I get to spend it with the guy I love," she says quietly. I can't help but grin. She looks up.

"Jess, I love you too," I say. She grins hugely and I'm sure my face looks very similar. I lean over and kiss her lips softly. When we pull away, I place one last little kiss on her nose before sitting back in my chair again. By now, our drinks have come, so we order our food. We continue to chat after the waitress leaves.

"So Mal and Lou," I sigh. Jess giggles and I smile at the adorable sound.

"That was definitely weird for me," jess adds.

"I'm sure it was," I agree. By now, the food has arrrived and I dig in eagerly. Jess giggles again at me and starts eating. Once we are done, I leave money for the check, and lead Jess back out to the car. We drive to the movie theatre.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I ask. She smirks and looks at me.

"Do you want a good laugh?" she asks. I raise my eyebrow, curious. "Let's watch This Is Us and you can give me all the inside details about the movie," Jess finishes. I crack up.

"That's perfect," I chuckle and pay for two tickets. We grab a popcorn to share and head into the theatre. We get there just in time, the movie is just beginning. We quickly sit in the empty theatre and I immediately start eating some popcorn. Jess laughs and grabs a handful as well.

"I forgot about this part!" I laugh. We are in the middle of the movie where I pretended to be part of security.

"How did you forget about that?" Jess questions.

"I don't know. I forgot they were filming during that," I say. We continue watching until the end. I get up and stretch. Jess does the same next to me.

"This was really fun," Jess says.

"Definitely," I answer, pecking her lips. She smiles. We exit the theatre and I grab Jess's hand, walking to the car. We drive back to the house.

"There you guys are!" Zayn says as we walk in.

"Did you use protection?" Harry jokes.

Jess turns bright red and hides her face in my chest.

"Haz, be nice. You're embarrassing her," Liam scolds. I smile gratefully, and walk to the kitchen, grabbing an apple.

"You ate lunch at the restaurant, almost the whole popcorn at the theatre, and you're still hungry?" Jess exclaims. I nod, taking a large bite. She shakes her head before running upstairs to where the girls are hanging out. I watch as she runs up the stairs and smile. I'm so glad to be able to call her mine.

Jess's POV

I run upstairs to the room where all the girls were hanging out.

"Hey how was it?" Adrianna asks excitedly.

"It was amazing. He, he told me," I start.

"What did he tell you?" Sherye asks impatiently.

"He told me he loves me," I say, blushing slightly.

"Awwww," all the girls chorus.

"Anyways, who's in the mood for MAKEOVERS!" I cheer. Everyone cheers and agrees.

"Should we do them here ourselves or go out and do like hair and nails?" I ask. We decide on going out so I grab my purse and we head downstairs.

"Boys! We're going out!" I shout.

"OKAYYYY!" Louis shouts back loudly. Mallory giggles and we head out, this time to the big car. We go to the hair place first.

"Hey Adri," I say, knowing she knows a lot about hair from her mom. "I wanna get an ombre, what do you think?"

"That would be adorable!" Adri says. So I do just that. Half an hour later we are all set, my ombre looks fabulous. (A/N or should I say fablouis XD) we head to the nail place next door and pick out colors. I decide on doing a french manicure, Rae gets an electric blue, Mal, sherye, and adri getting a dark pink, and Ally gets a dark purple. After our nails are done, we sit together waiting for them to dry. After they're done we head back to the car.

"Ooooh!" Adri squeals.

"What?" Ally questions.

"Let's show off our new hair and nails with a fashion walk," Adrianna suggests. We agree and when we get to the house we quickly run to our rooms and grab clothes before running to Mallory's room. I decide on a tight black high waisted pencil skirt, and a loose white crop top with LONDON written on it with a cool design. I borrow Sherye's converse low tops and I'm all set.

"Are you guys done?" I ask. They nod so I shout, "BOYS!!!! LIVING ROOM NOW!!! WE HAVE A SUPRISEEE!!!!!" We hear them scramble to the room and walk down the stairs.

"Introducing the One Direction girlfriends, and Adri, showing off their new hair, and nails," Ally announces dramatically. We walk out one at a time. Harry's jaw drops and Rae walks out in a shortish, tight skirt and a shirt with a cool design. He grins and wolf whistles at her. She smiles and turns to go back. I walk out and watch Niall as his jaw drops as well. I giggle and wink at him. I pop my hip out and walk back.

"That's it folks!" Ally finishes. The boys get up and come over to us.

"You look very hot, princess," I hear a voice whisper in my ear. I smile and turn to Niall, pressing my lips to his. He pulls away and leads me to the next room over, the kitchen. "More privacy," he explains before kissing me again. I kiss back hungrily, putting my arms around him and tugging on his hair slightly. His grip around my waist tightens and he pulls me closer to him. We continue making out for a little while before...

"EWW NO BABY MAKING IN THE KITCHEN!" Harry shouts. We break apart and blush.

"Harry," Niall mutters, "I will kill you." I giggle and step away from Niall and head upstairs to change into sweatpants for a movie night. I come down to see Harry and Liam arguing over a movie.

"Toy story!"

"Love actually!"

"Toy story!"

"Love actually!"

"SHUT UP!" Louis says.

"How about Lion King?" I suggest. They sigh and nod. I put it in and everyone else comes in from changing, Niall with a large assortment of food and snacks. He sets them down before sitting next to me. I snuggle into him, comfortable and warm as the movie starts. I know I won't make it through the movie as I feel my eye lids drooping. I sigh and Niall hugs me even closer, providing all the comfort I need to fall into a peaceful, happy sleep.


Im making myself tired with the end. Yawn. Anyways, in case you cant tell now the story is mainly about jiall, malouis and harrae so yeah. Next chapter will be up soon. Fingers crossed for a snow day tomorrow!!

Im so sad harry will be twenty in less than a month :'( oh well. Our boys will always be our boys, no matter what age.

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twitter: @xjesshoranx

Instagram: @britishgirls_at_heart (one d fanpage)

Wattpad!! ;) please vote and follow and comment and yeah. Love you all!!!! ~Jess

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