Chapter 16

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Jess's POV

Niall dials the number and waits for them to pick up.

"Hello?" a voice says.

"Hey, it's Niall. We've got a problem."

"What's going on?"

"We all fell in love and we can't leave these girls. Especially Louis, but he can explain that in a minute. We need to be able to take them with us. Is that ok?" Niall explains. Louis groans, realizing he's gonna have to explain the fact he's gonna be a dad to management.

"That's not gonna be pretty, but it'll be worth it," Louis whispers, kissing Mal's cheek.

"Niall?" the voice says.

"Yes?" Niall answers hopefully.

"It's fine. You are more than welcome to bring these girls with you," the voice says.

"Yes! Thank you! Thank you so much!" Niall shouts.

"Yes, no problem Niall. Now can we speak to Louis?"

"Yeah, here," Niall says, handing the phone to Louis.

"Yeah?" Louis says.

"What was Niall talking about Louis?"

"Um, yeah, I may be expecting twins with my girlfriend that I love very much?" Louis says quickly.

"You're gonna be a dad!?!?!" the voice exclaims.

"Yeah. And I couldn't be more excited," Louis confirms.

"Well congratulations."

"Thank you."

"Anyone else pregnant or are we all set?" the person jokes.

"That's it. Thank you so much! Good bye."

Louis turns to us. "You guys are coming with us on tour!!!!" he shouts happily, pulling Mallory into a tight hug.

"I know!!" she shouts back. We all cheer. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I know I'll be able to stay with Niall for a long time.

"I'm so excited! I get to go on tour with my best mates and my princess!" Niall exclaims excitedly.

"And I don't have to leave my prince," I finish, kissing him.

"Ok, let's head off for some sleep, then we're shopping tomorrow for everything we need for tour," Liam says.

"Yes daddy direction," Louis sasses. Mal giggles and pulls him to their room, looking exhausted. I take Niall's hand and yawn feeling exhausted.

"Tired princess?" Niall asks. I manage a nod. He scoops me up and carries me to our room, setting me on our bed and crawling in with me, holding me close against him. I fall asleep, wrapped up in Niall's protective arms.

The next morning, we all wake up and throw our packed things into the cars.

"I'm gonna miss this place," Rae whispers. Harry wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her against him.

"Well, let's get going," Sherye says, with one last look through the cabin. We leave for the mall and arrive quickly.

"Can we stop at Starbucks?" Adrianna and I say at the same time. We look at each other for a few seconds, before bursting into laughter. We decide to split up in small groups to try to spread out more, reducing the risk of being seen. Me, Adri, and Mal head to Starbucks.

"What can I get you ladies?" the cashier, a boy who looks about 16, asks, winking. I ignore him and order a frappucino. The others order. "Anything else?" the boy asks, reaching for my hand.

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