Chapter 17

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Rae's POV

"Happy Birthday Liam!" Sherye shouts at the newly 20 year old. We are all in the main room of the bus, finishing up our desserts.

"Thanks love," he says, kissing her cheek.

"Present time," she states excitedly, getting up to retrieve them. She hands Liam several gifts. He opens them and pulls out and new watch, raybans, clothes, and gift cards.

"Thanks everyone!" Liam says happily. Everyone smiles and nods. We sit down by the TV and watch Toy Story until we all fall asleep.

The next morning, I'm woken up by Harry.

"Wake up Kitten! It's your birthday!" he says excitedly.

"Morning Haz, thanks," I say sleepily.

"Get up! I have something planned for you! Wear something nice," he says misteriously before walking away. I get up, puzzled and walk into the bathroom. After a quick shower, I get dressed in a black dress and my black and gold supras. I curl my hair and do my makeup. Once I'm done, I check my phone and reply to my family's happy birthdays. Once I'm done, I walk out to meet Harry.

"Have fun Rae!" Jess smirks.

"You know what he's doing, don't you," I guess.

"I WILL ADMIT NOTHING!!" she shouts, running to hide behind Niall. I laugh and walk to my boyfriend.

"Ready kitten?" he asks. I nod and he leads the way off the bus. We walk to a car and drive a little ways to a small restaurant. "It's smaller, so we won't get interrupted," he explains.

"It's perfect," I sigh happily. We walk in.

"Table for two?" the waiter asks politely. We nod and he leads us to a table. We order our drinks and food and he leaves to put our order in.

"Well, Happy Birthday Rae," Harry says.

"Thanks Harry," I smile.

"So, I wanna know more about you. What's your family like? I mean, I already talked to your mom, but what's the rest of your family like?" he asks

"Well I've got two little sisters. They're a pain, but they're still my sisters, and they're there for me," I tell him. We keep chatting until the food comes. We eat and Harry pays.

"Come on, I've got one more thing," he says, taking my hand and leading me away from the restaurant. We walk down the sidewalk until we reach a boardwalk that leads to a beach.

"Oh this is so beautiful," I say, squeezing Harry's hand.

"Rae, um," he says turning to me. He pulls a box out of his pocket and opens it. "Rae, I'm really in love with you. I know we are still young so this ring is just a promise ring. But someday, I want to marry you. I love you so much. Please accept it?" he says.

"Yes Harry, I love you so much!" I say happily. He slides the ring on and I hug him tightly. We stand there in a tight embrace for a long time.

"OH MY GOD IS THAT HARRY STYLES?!?!?" a voice shrieks.

Harry looks at me. "Run!" he shouts. We run back to the car as fast as possible and dive into the seats. He drives away quickly, avoiding the crowd of fans. We arrive back at the buses quickly, and enter the bus.

"YOU'RE ENGAGED?!?!?!" Mallory shrieks, immediately noticing the ring.

"No!" Harry and I shout at the same time. "It's a promise ring," I explain.

"Good, you're too young," Mal says. We laugh and sit down for another round of cake. I open my other presents, finding lots of clothes, and a new phone case.

"Thanks guys!" I grin. "Who's up for some Titanic?" We all settle down for a repeat of the previous night: watching movies until we drift off to sleep.


Me and rae are in an update race and im gonna win!!!!!! lol but hope u enjoy im giving myself feels lol please vote and comment!!

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Luv ya!! ~Jess

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