Chapter 22

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Louis's POV

"Louis!!" I wake up suddenly to Mallory's voice.

"What?" I ask her, confused. I quickly glance at the clock, seeing the time to be 1:02 AM.

"It's time." I look at her quickly, her hand on her stomach. 

"OH!" I exclaim, getting up quickly. I throw a shirt and shoes on and yell down the hall to wake everyone up.

"Niall, Jess, stop making babies! That goes for the rest of you too! The little tommos are coming NOW!" I shout loudly. Mallory giggles, grabbing the bag she set aside, prepared for this. We all end up in the front of the bus at the same time. 

"How far away are we from a hospital?" Rachel asks Paul.

"About 10 minutes,'' he replies. I sigh with relief, we're close. The ten minutes pass agonizingly slowly. Mal winces every once in a while, and I rub her shoulders, trying to relax her a little.

"I never thought I'd be doing this at 20 but hey YOLO," she jokes. I smile and ruffle her hair. She smiles at me, pecking my lips gently, before slowly making her way to her feet. The bus stops, and I help her make her way carefully down the stairs. Harry wheels over a wheel chair, and I smile at him gratefully. We make our way into the hospital, and a nurse quickly comes over to help. Rae watches her waringly, and I quickly recall what happened the last time we were in a hospital. Harry appears to remember as well, and makes his way next to Rae, wrapping his arm around her waist, and kissing her temple. I smile approvingly, and turn my attention back to Mal and the nurse. She hands me a set of scrubs to put on so I can come into the room with them. I slip them on, wrinkling my nose at the ugly clothes. I follow them into the room, where we help Mal into the hospital bed. I can see the pain in her face as the pains become harsher, and more often. 

"Hang in there, it'll be over soon," I comfort her, squeezing her hand. She manages a smile, before wincing again. 

"Well, let's get started," the nurse states cheerfully, trying to lift the mood a little. Mal nods. More nurses and a doctor enter the room. Soon, the nurses are shouting instructions, and Mallory is trying her hardest to follow them. The sound of crying enters the room, and the doctor holds up the first baby. 

"It's a boy!" he exclaims, handing him to me. I cradle the soft bundle in my arms. 

"Hello little Tommo. Hello Aiden," I coo. Too soon, a nurse takes him to be examined. More crying enters the room. 

"It's a girl," he says, handing over the tiny bundle. I only get a second before she is taken and the doctor catches my attention again.

"Mr. Tomlinson, your daughter is severely underweight. It's not the mother's fault, it just happened. I'm not sure if it's fatal or not, but I can't say anything yet." Shock hits me and I nod numbly. He pats my shoulder comfortingly, before leaving the room. I turn to Mallory, who has tears in her eyes. 

"Is it my fault?" she whispers hoarsely. 

"Of course not. You were and are the best mum ever. She'll be ok," I say reassuring us both. She nods, drifting off to sleep. Once I know she's asleep, I leave to where the others are waiting for news. "Aiden's doing great. But, um," I gulp, staring down at the tiles. "Avery's severely underweight. They're not sure if it's fatal or not." The tears come out before I can stop them. Harry quickly gets up and pulls me into a hug. I hug my best friend back tightly, crying hard. 

"It's ok Boobear," he says, using the nickname he hasn't used in forever. I smile slightly.

"Ok all we need is some carrots and we can go back to x factor," I joke quietly, and Harry chuckles. He steps back and we sit down. "Now we wait," I sigh.

"I'll get coffee," Adri offers, grabbing Ed's hand. I nod, and they quickly leave for the starbucks in the lobby.I sit in the hard, uncomfortable chair, staring at the door. Now, all I can do is wait.


yikes whats gonna happen? and yes these two are the "additions" lol. update tmrw!!! please vote and comment, shoutouts are appreciated as well, im trying to get more followers/reads!!

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love ya!!!! ~Jess 

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