Chapter 28

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Louis' POV

Today, I married the girl of my dreams. Today, I'm the happiest I've ever been. Just knowing I'm with Mallory for the rest of my life makes me want to shout with happiness. I look at my now wife and smile, placing my hand on her hip. 

"How did I ever get so lucky?''I mumble into her ear, pressing my lips to her temple. 

"I should be asking you the same question," she whispers, kissing me softly.

"Alright! Please welcome to the floor for their first dance, the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Mallory Tomlinson!" the DJ cheers, and we walk out hand in hand. We wave to everyone happily. Look After You, by The Fray starts playing and I grin. 

"Ohhh, be my baby, and I'll look after you," I sing softly with the music, twirling with Mallory across the whole floor. When the dance was done, I softly peck Mal's lips. "I love you Mrs. Tomlinson," I say, feeling a rush of happiness from those 5 words. 

"And I love you," she replies, smiling. 

"Now time for the bouquet toss!" the DJ shouts. The girls all make a group behind Mal. She tosses it behind her, high and turns to see who catches it. Hands reach up grabbing at it until one catches it securely. 

"Yeah Jess!!" Mal shouts. I turn to Niall and wink. 

"You know what that means," I smirk. He laughs and goes to retrieve his girlfriend, picking her up and spinning her around before placing her back on her feet. I look around at everyone. Niall and Jess are standing together, laughing about something. Sherye and Liam are dancing like weirdos. Ed and Adrianna are talking with Rae and Harry, both couples hand in hand. Zayn and Ally are over by the food, stealing cookies and cupcakes. I look back to Mal and smile.

"Thank god for camp," I say, and she laughs. 

"Couldn't agree more."

Niall's POV

I watch Mal toss her flowers way up so she can watch who catches it. I can't even distinguish who's who, they're all so crowded together. Finally, one hand grabs the bouquet.

"Yeah Jess!!" Mallory shouts. I grin, walking towards her.

"You know what that means," Lous smirks at me. I laugh and wink, and he laughs too. 

"Good job beautiful," I whisper in Jess's ear, picking her up and spinning her around. She giggles, wrapping her arms around me. "I wonder when they'll bring out the cake," I say looking at the empty place on the table.

"Oh my god, Niall! Always thinking about food," Jess teases. I smile and wink.

"Hey! Let's go dance!" I say excitedly, taking her hand and pulling her with me.

"Wait! I, uh, I don't know how," she mutters, blushing.

"Well, I'll show you," I smile. "Just take my hand, I'll help you." She reluctantly takes my hand and I spin her around, grabbing her waist before she can fall. She squeals and grabs my shoulders tightly. "Hey, I got you. I'd never let you fall," I promise. 

"Ok, well let's do it," Jess smiles. I place my hands on  her hips and she puts her arms over my shoulders, and we sway to the music. Suddenly, Jess starts laughing.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"We literally just did a scene out of high school musical," she giggle. I laugh, shaking my head. We continue to dance all night long. 

Needless to say, the wedding was just magical.


So this was the last official chapter! 


Thank you guys so much for getting over a million reads on this. I hope to have the epilogue up tomorrow. In the meantime, maybe you could add my luke hemmings fanfic Teenage Memories to your library??? I'll be writing it all summer and I'll start releasing chapters hopefully in August

ILY ~Jess

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