Chapter 6

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Mallory's POV
"Hey there cutie," I hear. I turn to see Louis. He gives me a flirty grin before leaning in to peck my lips. It slowly gets more heated, and he slips his tongue into my mouth. I gently pull his hair as he pulls my hips closer to his. Eventually, we break apart, breathing hard. I step back and smile shyly at the ground. Suddenly the door to the cabin bangs open and the rest of the gang comes in with breakfast.

"What were you lovebirds doing?" Zayn says. I blush. Niall sits on the couch and Jess snuggles next to him before they plow through a large plate of food. I sit next to Louis and we eat, talking with Liam and Sherye.

"So, what are you guys doing for break?" Harry asks. He walks over and leans against the counter, stealing a glance at Rae.

"I don't think we have anything planned," Rae answers.

"Cool! We're renting a huge house on the beach. Do you guys want to join us?" Harry asks. I look at Jess, who nods. Rachel, Sherye, and Adrianna all nod as well.

"Sounds great!" I say. The boys cheer. "So, how does going to hip hop sound for today?"

"YES!!!" Rae shouts. She loves dancing. We all agree to change and meet at the class in twenty minutes. The boys leave and we head to our rooms. I slip on shorts, a loose shirt, and high tops. Once all the other girls are ready in similar outfits, we hop on the golf cart. I plug in my phone and put it on shuffle. 'Kiss You' goes on and we all sing, or rather shout, along to the words. By the end of the song we arrive at the class a little before the boys.

"So Jess," I ask. "Is Jiall official yet?" She blushes and nods. I squeal and give her a huge hug. The other girls do the same as the boys pull up on their cart.

"What's all the partying about," Louis asks, hugging me and pressing a kiss to my temple.

"Niall and Jess are official," I explain.

"JIALL IS OFFICIAL!!!!!" he shouts and all the guys jump on Niall. I crack up, watching the little leprechaun get attacked by the other four.

"I CAN'T BREATHE!!" Niall shouts, and finally Jess goes over to rescue him. Niall hugs her as a thank you and pecks her lips. I notice Harry and Rachel talking and laughing together and smile.

"Alright, let's head in," I say. We all head in, me and Louis on the back. Suddenly Rae stops with a shocked look. I follow her gaze to see... Noah. The boy Rachel used to like, until he broke her heart. Now she can't stand to look at him. I look at Rae again and watch as she turns around and runs out of the room. Harry turns to follow her.

"Haz," I start to say. He turns to me, pain in his eyes and I change my mind immediately. "Go, quick," I say. He nods and runs off after her.

Rachel's POV

I cannot believe he's here. I just can't function right now. So, I turn and run, tears coming. I blink them away and run blindly, wanting to go anywhere but back there. Eventually, I stop and sit down, and bury my face in my arms. I hear footsteps and look up to see Harry. He sits down next to me silently and pulls me to him. I bury my face in his chest as he holds me. As soon as he holds me, I start to feel much better. Eventually, I lean back.

"Thanks," I say quietly.

"No problem," he says. "Was it- was it that guy?" he asks. I nod. "Don't worry about him. You've got me and the other lads and you've got all your other friends. You don't need him," Harry says quietly, looking into my eyes. My heart starts racing as he leans closer to me. Slowly, our lips touch in a gentle, slow kiss. My heart fights my brain as I kiss him back. We break apart, and I slowly back away.

"I'm sorry, we shouldn't have, I mean, I didn't mean to make you, or," I stutter.

"Shh, Rae," he says. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you would panic. I thought you felt the same about me like I do for you." Harry looks away sadly.

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