33. (!)

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Niall's POV

"He does know that I don't like you like that, right?" Zach asked, most definitely noticing the harsh way that Harry had been looking at him during our entire interaction. 

He looked at me curiously, watching the way I glanced towards Harry and rolled my eyes. Harry's expression immediately softened when we made eye contact and even though I was annoyed at the present hostility he was giving Zach, my heart fluttered at the way he was looking at me. 

Things had become relatively normal once Harry and I had spoken. We had gone back to our usual relationship of him being a cocky asshole and me getting a little too annoyed about it.

Nothing had changed.

It was as if the fight hadn't happened, which wasn't particularly unusual with us. Irrational arguments were almost an everyday occurrence for us, so it felt normal for me to forget the thing that Harry had done to piss me off and continue with my life.

I still continued to talk to Zach regularly, though I felt kind of bad for causing Harry to be more jealous than he needed to be. I tried not to feel too guilty as Harry had assured me many times that he was willing to at least try to be okay with us being friends.

The harsh glares to his back every time Harry saw Zach said something different, though I've accepted that Harry was going to be jealous no matter who I was talking to. His possessiveness was rather attractive but it annoyed me to no end.

"Of course he does. What, do you think I let him believe that we go into the janitors closet and hookup between periods?" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't understand why anyone would hookup in a place as unhygienic as a janitors closet," he grimaced.

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"You've done that with Harry, haven't--"

"I don't want to talk about it," I cut him off, blushing faintly, trying not to think of the times Harry and I had been in the janitors closet, which were admittedly exciting. Not that I would tell anyone that.

"Alright but for the record, don't you think I'd last longer than between periods?" he raised his eyebrow.

"You're disgusting," I rolled my eyes.

"It's true," he shrugged. "But really, it's like he's about to come over here and murder me with his bare hands," he added. 

"If he doesn't trip whilst walking over here," I rolled my eyes. "Honestly, he's harmless and you have nothing to worry about."

"Shouldn't you be sitting with him? Isn't that like a boyfriend rule, or something?" he questioned. 

"He doesn't own me. That, and everyone keeps giving me shit about us spending too much time together. So we're trying to spend time with other people so we don't get called out for having a sex problem," I told him. 

"Interesting. Can't say I've ever seen a couple that say they have too much sex," he laughed. 

It didn't even seem weird that I was talking about this with him. It was just like talking to Louis, except with much less teasing. 

"I wouldn't say too much. But everyone else seems to think so and I'm tired of people prying into private areas of my life, so I guess being seen apart is a good thing."


"How long are we home alone for?" I asked as Harry shut his front door.

"At least a couple of hours, why?" he asked, turning around to look at me.

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