REGRETS: Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to John Paolo Jimenez-Doctor

Here's chapter two. :) Dedicated to my four-year best-est friend ever (though he's not fond of reading books). I based Sab and Terrence's realtionship to ours - but not EXACTLY the way we are to each other. Anyhow, I dedicate this chapter to you, Ya. Love you!

The guy who will be playing TErrence is on the right (Sorry for the low quality). And he's my SUPER CRUSH!!!! Filipino guys are handsome, aren't they? Hehe.

Again, ENJOY!!!


Chapter 2:


I opened my locker to get my books when a pair of hands covered my eyes.

“Guess who?” the voice said, whispering to my ear.

I simply smiled and laughed to myself. “Come on, Terrence. Can’t you do any better?”

“How did you know it was me?” he asked as he removed his hands from my eyes.

I turned around and saw him pouting his lips. The look on his face made me laugh. “It was always you, idiot. You are the only one who does that to me.”

He smiled sheepishly as he took me in his arms. “I know. And I won’t let any other guy do that to you.” When he let go, he kissed me on the forehead. “Good morning, Saaby.”

I hit him lightly on his chest. “Don’t call me that!”

And we both laughed.

“Sorry I wasn’t able to pick you up this morning. There’s something important that I need to do.” He added.

“Something more important than me? And what was that?” I teasingly asked.

A laugh is all he responded.

Terrence is my best friend since grade school. But most people don’t believe that. They keep on insisting that he’s my boyfriend. In fact, I can’t remember how many times when both of us were called to the office – Principal’s, Guidance, Head Teacher’s, Administrator’s and Head Pastor’s (yes, we studied on a Christian high school) – just to ask us if we really are a couple.

Of course, both Terrence and I would just laugh at it. And after a few minutes of denying, they would finally believe.

“Hey, what’s this?” Terrence asked as he took out a piece of paper from my locker. It was a purple, lavender-scent paper. He opened it and looked at me teasingly. “Looks like you’ve got another letter from your secret admirer.”

Immediately, I snatched it from his hands and read the letter silently.

                It’s not the warmth of your smile or the twinkle in your eyes

                Not even the shine of your hair or the sweetness of your smell

                And mostly not your voice that calms and the touch of your hand

                It is who you are that makes me fall in love

                So believe me when I say it ‘coz it’s true

                Sabrina Fontevilla, I’ve always been in love with you

-          Mr. Note

Listen to the music of my heart


A smile found its way to my lips. Whoever this guy is, he surely is a romantic. But sorry, I’m not interested. Because first, the last thing I need in my life right now is distraction – which means a boyfriend; and second, I am interested with someone else.

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