The Wedding Day: Miguel's Story

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This will be the last chappie! I can't say much 'cause I'm in a hurry!



Chapter Four: Miguel’s Story

“Hey, honey.” My mom said as she entered my room. “Why are you all dressed up?”

While carefully trying to put my tie on, I answered Mom. “Wedding, Mom. I told you this last week.”

“Oh, is that today?”

“Uh-huh.” That’s all I managed to say because I am seriously not getting this tie right!

I heard my mother giggle and she stepped towards me. “Here. Let me do that.” I smiled as I watch my mother do my tie. As she was doing it, she spoke. “Oh, by the way, a girl called last week. I forgot to tell you.”


“She’s looking for you.”


My mother shot me a glare right before she finishes my tie. “And I forgot what she told me but I think I have her number. Now, please give me a second to get it.”

I took one last look at myself in the mirror as I wait for my mother to come back. My eyes then shifted to my table and saw the girl in the picture smiling at me. I smiled to myself, too. She’s been with me for five years or so.

“Do I look good, Sabrina?” I asked stupidly. And of course, she won’t answer.

I was about to pick up her picture when my mom came back with a piece of paper in her hand. “Here.”

My body froze and my eyes widened in disbelief when I took the paper from my mother. It feels like I’m floating and that all my energy was drained. Because in the paper was written: +639174466665 – Regina Samonte

In a blink of an eye, I grabbed my phone and dialed the number.

Pick up the phone. I prayed.


My heart skipped a beat when I heard someone answer. “Hello! Rej? Is that you?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. This is her sister.”

“Where is she?!” I said in panic. “I need to talk to her!”

“Sorry but, she just left.”

“Where did she go?”

“Back to Australia.” I swear to the heavens that I wanted to just evaporate that time. Words can’t come out of my lips. My throat feels dry and my knees are just wobbly. Again, she spoke. “Who’s this please?”

In a weak, strained voice, I answered. “This is Migs, her friend. What time did she leave?”

“Her plane left about half an hour ago.” I heard a noise in the background. It’s as if she took some paper from the drawer. “Uhm, do you happen to be Miguel Salve?”


“Oh, she left a letter for you. Would you rather have it sent to you or what?”

I want to have it now. I said in my mind. “I’ll get it from you. Is now alright?”

“Sure. But I am not home.”

“Where are you then?”

“Mariott Hotel. Do you know the place?”

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