Between Love and Friendship: Chapter Two

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Uploaded a new chapter! I'm feeling good again! Woo! Thank you for all the lovely messages!

Two more exams to go and I'm so done with this semester! Got to work out for a concert though. Whoever lives within the area, you are free to come! Just leave a message on my board :)

Enjoy reading!


Chapter Two:

“So, you were on the same class?” Brian asked.

I nodded, smiling goofily as I recalled that time. “We shared only one class, that’s all.”

“Oh.” He took another sip from his brewed coffee. “But she was graduating that time? And you were just on your first year? Doesn’t that make her older?”

“Bro, Photography was my second course.” I clarified. “Modeling was her first.”

He nodded and mouthed, “Oh.”

Brian gave me a moment of silence, probably because he was aware that I am off to my own world of reminiscing the past again.

“She must be really special.” Brian started again. “Considering that you only shared one class for only one semester.”

I smiled. “She is. Very much.”

“She must be so special to you that you don’t even want me to know her name.” He chuckled. “Dude, I won’t take her from you.”

We both shared a laugh.

“Her name is – “

“Hi, baby.”  Another voice spoke. “Sorry, I’m late.”

Brian and I turned and saw a beautiful lady walking towards us. My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat as I saw Brian stood up and placed a kiss on her cheek.

Oh dear, please tell me she’s not my best friend’s fiancée.

“It’s alright, baby.” Brian answered. “I know girls take their time so much.”

She gave a slight smile. “Sarcasm doesn’t work for me, baby.”

Brian let out a slight laugh. “By the way, I’ll have to introduce you to someone.” They turned to look at me. “This is my best bud, Emil.” Then he said to me, “And this is Max, my fiancée.”

I am certain I look pale – as in Edward Cullen pale.

Her eyes widened. “Emil Mendoza?”

Crap. She remembered. There’s a lump in my throat as I nod.

“It’s a surprise to see you here!” Then she leaned in to give me a slight hug. “What a small world.”

“Wait – “ Brian interrupted. “You two know each other?”

She nodded happily. “We were on the same class before. Second semester of my last year, if I remember correctly.”

“Oh.” Brian said in surprise. “Wait! She must know the girl you’re talking about.”

“What girl?” She asked.

“The girl he fell in love with.”

Max looked at me as if she’s teasing me. “Oh. I think I might have known her. What’s she like?”

Would you like me to describe you?  I wanted to say but instead, I started saying out things that describe her opposite.

“Oh, Cindy?” She asked.

I nodded. Whoever Cindy may be. “Yes, her.”

She gave a slight laugh. “Who wouldn’t fall for her? She’s a nice girl. If you like, I can give you her number and maybe work things out for you.”

“I don’t think Emil would like that.” Brian butt in. “He wants to do things his way.”

I smiled at him.

“By the way, make sure you stop by my place tomorrow night.” He continued, changing the topic.

My forehead creased. “What for?”

“We’ll be having our pre-nuptial celebration.” Maxene answered.


“And Sabrina will be coming home, too.” Brian added. “You might want to see her as well.”

I smiled. Sabrina’s like a sister to me just as how Brian is like a brother to me. “Has she graduated from college yet?”

“Nope.” Brian answered. “Summer vacation.”

I slightly nodded. “Of course, I’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”


At home

Absent-mindedly, I picked up the phone and called Brian. After a few rings, he picked up.


“Hey bro.”

“Emil! What’s up?”

“Can I talk to you?”


“Can you please go somewhere where no one will hear you?”

“I am alone. Go ahead.” He answered. “Is everything alright?”

I took a deep breath. “No.”

“What’s the matter, man?”

I can sense the tension in Brian’s voice. To be honest, I am not sure if I am doing the right thing. But what I am certain about is that I’ve got to do something. At least something.

With full hesitation, I answered. “You can’t get married.”

I heard Brian snorted. I am not sure if he finds what I said funny or if he thinks that I am out of my mind. But one thing is for sure, he was surprised.

“Why not?” His voice was calm and steady. But knowing him, this is what he sounds like when he’s serious.

Because you just can’t. And if you do, I can’t be happy for you.

“Because – “ I trailed off.


“You barely know the girl.” That’s the best I could think of this time. “You’ve just known her for what? Two, three months?”

“And your point is?” He’s not pleased. I know he’s not.

“That is my point.” I said in equal seriousness. “Who knows? She might be just some gold digger or any of that sort.”

Brian took a deep breath. “If you are concerned about me, I do understand. And I appreciate that.” He took a short pause. “But do you think I am the kind who would let that happen? Bro, I’ve thought about this thousand times before I finally decided. And I tell you, there is nothing to worry.”

I was silenced. And I can’t find any words to say.

Brian continued. “If that’s all you wanted to say, I’d better hung up. I’ve got a lot to do. Bye.”

Call ended.


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