REGRETS: Chapter 5

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Last Chapter for Part 1. Heh Told you, this is a compilation of short stories. :)

Dedicated to xyley0908. hh :)



Chapter 5

“Guess who?” the voice said, whispering to my ear.

Tears started to well up my eyes as I heard him say those words. It felt as if nothing changed. “Terrence?” I asked, with a quite shaky voice.

I just heard him laugh as he dropped his hands from my face. “You still knew it was me.”

I didn’t turn around immediately because I don’t want to see myself crying when I face him. So, without looking at him, I answered. “It was always you, idiot.” That’s what I said, that’s what I always say.

From the sound of his voice, I can that he is smiling. “Am I still the only one who does that to you?”

I smiled. “Of course.” This time, I turned around. And in my surprise, I saw a familiar-looking guy. Then it all flashbacked in my mind – the billboards, the product endorsements, the print ads. It was… “Renz Martin?”

He simply smiled as a response.

“You are Renz Martin?”

“I thought you wouldn’t know.” He answered. “By the way, how did you know?”

“The billboards, the print ads?” My eyes widened as a thought came into my mind. “Wait, I think I even bumped to you at the airport.”

He snorted. “It was you?” I nodded. “I knew it! I knew it was you!”

“You do?”

“Of course! How can I forget you? That face, your hair, your voice – I still remember.”

I still remember – these words lingered in my head and they kept on resounding inside my mind. And then I remembered the song aired earlier. Could it be possible that…the song was for me?

And because of my curiosity, I dared to ask. “That song, did you write that for me?”

He gave me that look that tells me, ‘What?’.

“I Still Remember. Am I right?”

“About the title or about the reason?”


He snorted. “You’re right.”

“About the title or about the reason?”


 I almost break into tears when I heard that. And there was silence – the kind of silence that makes you feel all the weight in the world.

He was the one who broke the silence when he asked, “So, how are you?”

Absent-mindedly, I answered. “I’m sorry.” His face tells me, ‘Huh?’ And then I started sobbing. “I should’ve not left you back then; I shouldn’t have told you those things; I should’ve – I’m so sorry, Terrence. I feel awful for what I did.” Then I cried.

It was quite a surprise when I felt his arms around me. My head was resting on his chest and I can feel his heart beating. I hope his heart still beats for me. Because now, I’m ready – ready to take what I’ve thrown before.

“You don’t have to feel awful, Sab. I understand. Besides, I’ve finally moved on.”

And those words have taken me aback. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve moved on; I’m now over you.” Those words hurt. “Honestly, Sab. I was miserable when you left. I figured out that you don’t want to see me anymore; that’s why I never bothered to contact you – even if I want to. And those days – no, years – of your absence, it made me a different person, the person I am now. And that is because of you. I can’t be mad at you forever.”

“You mean to say that – that – you don’t have any feelings for me now?” I bravely asked. I wanted to know.

He didn’t answer in an instant. “You’re still my best friend.” Those are the most painful words I’ve ever heard for the past years of my life. “And, I’ve got a career to focus on.”

“I see.” But I don’t want to accept it. If I have just known that he’ll be someone my parents would approve, I should’ve given him a chance. But now, it’s too late.

“Oh, by the way.” He took something from his jacket. “Here.” He handed me a CD. “I believe that was yours.”

I creased my forehead. “I don’t think so.”

“That’s the CD I gave you that day. The one I used in confessing to you.” I simply nodded. “That’s the first time I ever sang in my entire life and because of that, I got discovered.”

I narrowed my eyes to show him that I don’t understand. Luckily, he got the message. “My brother accidentally played that CD in one of my Mom’s parties at home. I wasn’t aware that there’s a Music Producer inside the house and that’s it. He immediately asked me if I want to make an album with him.”

“And you said yes?”

“Of course.”

“But why are you giving this to me?” I asked, pertaining to the CD.

“Because if it wasn’t because of you, I wouldn’t have recorded a song.”

There was a brief silence when we heard his phone ringing. Immediately, he picked it up. I can say that it was something important – I can see it in his face.

“Alright. I’ll be there. Bye.”

He then looked at me. “I need to go.” He took a step towards me and gave me a kiss on my forehead – as he always did in the past. “It’s nice seeing you again, Saaby.” He gently let go. “I guess I’ll see you soon then?”

I gave him a weak smile and nodded.

Tonight, I’ve let go of someone I should’ve kept before. If I have just given him a chance, if I wasn’t so afraid and desperate to meet my parents’ expectations before, if I just followed what I feel than what should I do – I wouldn’t be broken right now.

And this night, there is nothing I feel than…



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