The Score: Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Deep breath.

You can do this, Patrick. Why are you even nervous?! You’re just returning her voice recorder!

Oh, man. I’ve got some serious problem here. Just the thought of me seeing her makes my heart feel jitters. What’s the problem with that? I don’t know. But what I do know is that I am not supposed to feel anxious.

I stood in front of her dormitory for heaven-knows-how-long. What’s wrong with you, Patrick? Oh dear. May the heavens help me.

I took another deep breath again and knocked. The door opened and I was greeted by the grumpiest person on earth – the house mother.

Eyebrows raised and arms on her waist, she asked me. “What do you want? You are not allowed here.”

“I’m looking for Ynna.” I cheerfully answered. “Is she here?”

She looked to her left and then to her right. “Can you see her?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I’m afraid I don’t.”

“Then she’s not here.”

The door slammed shut right in my face after the house mother said that. Whoa. I said to myself. She’s got more serious problem than I do.

Where could she be now?

I tried calling her but she won’t answer. Then I started asking myself: if I was her, where would I be? Right! The library!

Luckily, her dorm was just across the school. I ran straight to the school. The library was on the third floor of the main building.

A voice suddenly called my name, causing me to take a stop and turn.

It was Keith.

“Where are you going?” he said. “Practice starts in five minutes.”

My forehead creased. “What practice?”

Keith laughed. “Stop acting like you don’t know, dude. It’s crazy.” He wrapped an arm on my shoulder and said, “Now change in your jersey and let’s practice.”

I gave him a puzzled look.

“Dude! Today’s Saturday!” he yelled at me. “We always have practice on Saturdays. Now, move!”

“Oh.” That’s all I said. “Sorry but…I can’t come today.”

Then I ran again. Did I just skip practice? I mean, I’ve never done that. I must be crazy.


A few steps more.

I reached the third floor and I the glass door of the library is already in my sight. I was headed to the library when I heard a voice inside the biology lab.

“You know I don’t want to do this.” The voice said. “Trust me. I never wanted to kill you.”

My eyes widened. What is this? Jeepers creepers? Someone’s about to kill someone? I stepped towards the door and stood there, eavesdropping.

The voice continued. “I’m so sorry. But I really have to kill you.”

Oh no. I said to myself. This can’t be.

“Hey! Stop!” I yelled.

The girl screamed in surprise. And guess what? I am surprised as well.

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