Love Letters: Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:


It’s almost fifteen minutes after six in the evening. And guess what? Bad luck seems to have grown very fond of me.

I’ve been stuck in a heavy traffic for about thirty minutes now – and it’s still not moving. Darn it! Rej must’ve been waiting for me now. I feel every tick of the clock as I impatiently wait for the car to move. After a few more minutes, it did. Finally.

What caused the traffic? A guy proposing to a girl. Wow. Their love life could surely wreck mine.

I arrived at the mall where our favorite hang-out is located. The store is located at the third floor of the building. The elevator is the most practical way to get there. The arrow says down – meaning, the elevator’s going down. Good. So I waited for a minute and then – ting! The elevator door opened. I was supposed to enter when two Grannies came.

The other one smiled at me. I smiled back at her and said, “You go ahead.” Of course, I am being a gentleman as ever.

And because of their age, they walk and move way too slow. Seriously. But they managed to get in. After them, I entered. And when I finally did, there’s this buzzing sound that hovered in the elevator.

Everybody is looking at me, as well as the elevator operator.

“Uhm, sir?” The lady operator said to me.

I looked at her. “Yes?”

She pointed her finger at the screen on her right that says: OVERLOAD. My eyes widened in disbelief. “I’m sorry, sir. But you have to get out. We’re overloaded.”

I wanted to protest. I waited here. But the Grannies came. And you’re kicking me out? Come on. Why is life unfair to me?

And because of the glares I’ve been receiving from everyone inside the elevator, I silently complied.

If I only knew that would happen, I should’ve taken the escalator. With no sweat, I got to the third floor. I was running my way to the place, hoping that Rej is still there. But suddenly, I heard a girl’s voice screaming:

“Hey! Give it back! My bag! Help! Someone took my bag!”

When I turned to look, I saw a man carrying a classy bag. And he is being chased after by this girl who is next to impossibility of catching him up. With those high heels she’s wearing? She can’t make it.

I watch her slow down her pace and…gave up. She looks so distressed. And the next thing I knew, I was running after the guy.

“Hey!” I yelled. “Stop!”

I.Am.Never.A.Good.Runner. But I guess this time, good luck came upon me. As I was running after the bad guy, he tripped. And fell flat on his face. Man, it must’ve hit him hard.

That was my chance to grab the bag from him. But just as when I was about to run back to the lady, a force pulled me and a hard fist hit my face. On my right forehead just above my eyebrow. Man, he hit me hard. I can feel the sting.

We had a round of punch exchange. Until finally, the security guards came and hand cuffed the guy. Still panting and so tired, I walked up to the lady who is now sitting on the floor.

“Excuse me.” I said, in between my pants. “I believe it’s yours.”

She stood up and exclaimed, “My bag! Thank goodness it’s back!”

I felt her looking at me, but when my eyes were about to turn to her, I saw the time. “Darn it! I have to go!” Looking at a different direction, I added. “Take care, miss. You wouldn’t know who the bad guys are.”


My eyes wandered across the room, looking for Rej. But she’s nowhere to be found. Maybe she went to the ladies’ room? That, I am not sure.

I was roaming around the room when I saw a piece of paper on top of the table where we used to sit. The paper looks familiar. Beige-colored with light pink lines as borders – I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them before. Rej’s letters. Back in high school.

Without a doubt, I believed that the letter was meant for me. Picking it up, I sat and started to read:


How long are you trying to keep the truth from me?

Wow. What a way to start a letter.

Why didn’t you tell me it was you? You are Mr. M. Mark told me just recently. Do you know how that made me feel? Felt like I’ve been toyed. You two lead me astray. Why Migs? What made you do that?

If truth be told, it was you who I really like. Yes, you. But then this Mr. M started sending me letters. And I fell for him. But you know what? I always hoped it is you. But it seems impossible to me for you to like me that’s why I said I thought it was Mark. And you, for some reason that is still not clear to me, verified it. You made me believe it was really him. And congratulations, you succeeded. You even made me move to Australia with him.

Can you blame me? I was so confused that time. I loved the guy who sent me letters, believing it was you. But you made me believe it was Mark, so I went with him.

It could’ve been you, Migs. And right after knowing that it was you, I flew back here. Why? I don’t know. Maybe because I am still hoping that maybe you might be still feeling the same. That’s when I made my decision:

You were never late, Migs. And I made a vow to myself that if you came today on time, I’ll do everything to have you back. But…

It’s thirty minutes past six while I’m writing this letter. Maybe you’re not feeling the same anymore.

I’m sorry, Migs. But this time, I think I have to get over with you. Friends? xx


She was here. Waiting for me. Wanting me back.

I honestly don’t know what to feel this time.

Why Rej? You are the girl of my dreams. Why didn’t you tell me that I am the guy of your dreams, too? And why, of all the reasons, do you have to depend your decision on me coming on time? Why didn’t you wait longer? Why do you have to believe that I am not feeling the same anymore?

Why did I have to help that girl earlier? I sure must’ve catch up with Rej if I didn’t.

Sigh. I can’t even help myself.

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