The Wedding Day: Patrick's Story

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The Concert is totally oveeeeeeeeeer!!

Here's Patrick's story. Hope you'll like it! :))



Chapter Two: Patrick’s Story

“Congratulations.” I said as I shook the hand of my cousin and his now wife. “What a lovely gown you’re wearing, Mrs. Fontevilla.”

Maxene blushed. “Thank you. Miss Alyanna Leonardo designed it for me.”

Alyanna Leonardo. Ynna. “Where is she? I believe I owe her a compliment.”

“Oh, I was just talking to her.” She looked around. “I am not really sure where she is now.”

“Maybe I shall go look for her myself. Excuse me.”

Just as was about to start looking for Ynna, someone called my name. “Patrick!”

I turned around and saw my friend, Daisha, running towards me. “Patrick. Good to see you here.”

“Yeah, me too.”

She narrowed her eyes. “You owe me something.”

“Wait, what?” I answered in surprise.

“You didn’t show up to the blind date I set for you. Why?” I can say, she’s really pissed off. “Don’t you know how hard it is for me to make my boss say yes to that?”

My eyes widened in disbelief. “Your boss?”  Whew. Good thing I didn’t show up.

“Yes! My boss!” She exclaimed. “She almost gave up dating ‘coz she’s in love with someone back in college. Way back in college!”

My forehead creased. “Uhm, why are you telling me this?”

“Because maybe you could make her fall for you!”

I was taken aback by that. That isn’t my duty, is it?

She took my hand. “Ynna’s here. I’ll introduce you to her.”

“Wait, Ynna?”

“Yes.” She said. “My boss.”

My heart thumped hard against my chest. Ynna? Is she talking about the same Ynna I fell for back in college? Oh dear.

“Hey.” Daisha said as she tapped a lady’s back. “Miss Leonardo.”

The girl turned and to my surprise, it is the same Ynna. I was so surprised because she looked different this time – prettier, more radiant, and still cheerful.

“Oh, Daisha.” Ynna said. “It’s a surprise to see you here.” She doesn’t seem to notice my existence.

“Yes, I know.” She said. “Hey, remember the guy I set you up with? The one who didn’t show up?”

Ynna nodded. “Why?”

“Here he is.” Daisha said. “His name is – “

“Patrick De Leon?” Ynna said in disbelief.

There was a big lump in my throat and I can’t breathe. I cannot take my eyes off her. Man, I still love this girl. And I wanted to tell her this time. I want her in my arms right now. After five long years, I found you.

“You know him?” Daisha asked her.

Ynna gently nodded.

“Ynna.” I managed to say. “Ynna, I’ve – I’ve been looking for – “

“Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. Here’s your drink.” Another voice said. It’s a guy. And I am certain that I’ve seen him before.

He handed her a drink. “Your friends?” He asked.

Ynna smiled at him. “This is Daisha, my friend and she works for me.”

Daisha and the guy shook hands.

“Nice to meet you.” He said.

“Me too.”

Ynna was hesitant to introduce me. “Uhm, this is Patrick. I’m sure you know him.”

So, we really know each other. I just can’t remember when and how.

Ynna continued. “He’s the one who – uhm – you know. About the jersey jacket.”

The guy’s eyes widened. “Oh. I see. I remember.” His tone was cold. And shot me a glare.

Now I remembered! He was the one who interfered between me and Ynna that day! And now, he’s interfering with us again.

“Uhm, excuse me?” Daisha said. She’s feeling a bit left out, I know.

The guy smiled and introduced himself to her. “Emil, by the way.”

Daisha’s eyes widened in surprise. “Emil? As in the Emil you’re always talking about?” She is talking to Ynna.

Ynna nodded.

“The Emil you have fallen for since college?”

Ynna pouted. “Do you really have to say that?”

Emil was in disbelief. “I didn’t know you were always talking about me.”

“You and your big mouth.” Ynna said to Daisha.

“And you’ve fallen for me in college?”

Ynna shyly nodded.

He smiled. “I think we can do something about that.”

 He reached for her hands. She smiled at him. Daisha is happy for them. And I feel…full of regrets. I should’ve shown up on that blind date. Maybe if I did, we’ll be together again. But, heck, I didn’t.

I should’ve not played with love before. Now it’s playing with me. And now, I think it’s game over for me and the first girl I’ve ever fallen for – Ynna.


I honestly don't think this is good so, I want to know what you guys think. 

Vote, Comment and Fan please! Thank you! 


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