The Score: Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Five years later

Ninety-seven to ninety-five. The opponent has the ball. He aims for a shot. He failed. One from our team got the rebound. Twelve seconds remaining. The crowd went wild. The suspense is killing us. Five seconds left. Four. Three. Two. He made a three-point shot. One. Then the buzzer sounded.

The announcer got the microphone. “And 2012 UAAP Basketball Champion – “ he announced. “ Give it up for – no other than – Ateneo Blue Eagles!”

His three-point shot made the team win.

I can still remember that time when my three-point shot made us the Champion. Although it was five years ago, the memories are kept vivid to my mind. Because that was also the exact year when I started to fall in love and wrecked it.

Ynna. I thought to myself. Where are you?

The crowd went wild cheering for the Champion. I was here because I decided to watch the Basketball Championship instead of going to a blind date set up to me by a friend. Because, if truth be told, I haven’t gone out with someone for a while now.


It’s because I kept looking for her.

But for the past five years, I still haven’t found her. And I guess five years was enough for me to finally give up. Besides, there are so many uncertainties even if I find her. If I find her, will she give me another chance? I’m not really sure. If she said yes, then good. But if not, those five long years of searching will be a waste.

But deep in my heart, I still want to try.


There was a letter in my mailbox when I got home. It was not just a letter; it is an invitation – a wedding invitation to be exact.

My forehead creased. Who’s going to get married?

“Oh.” I told myself. “He’s getting married for real?”

 I cannot believe this. My cousin is getting married in few weeks. Really? My ever workaholic, always the best, no one-can-ever-be-good-than-him cousin is getting married.

I was quite hesitant to come. It’s not because I hate my cousin. In fact, we’re in speaking terms but not really close. It’s just that his family is so…I can’t find the word to describe them.

What made me want to come is the name written on the guest list: Alyanna Leonardo.

A smile made its way to my lips as I glance to the ring Ynna and I had at the Marriage Booth.

Now, I know where to find her.


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