REGRETS: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A number of expensive-looking cars were parked inside my brother’s home in Forbes’ Park. I have a hint that it will just be a small gathering rather than an all-out party. And I prefer that. After hours of plane and car travel, who wants to deal with a lot of people?

When I stepped into the living area, I saw my parents talking with a guy – probably one of my Dad’s business comrades. They turned to me and were immediately greeted by them.

“Sabrina! My darling! I missed you.” Said my Mom as she stretched out her arms and gave me a hug.

“I miss you too, Mom.” I replied. I saw my Dad from Mom’s behind with his arms also stretched out. “You too, Dad.” I added as I hug Dad next. “Where’s Brian?”

“Oh, your brother’s there outside with his fiancé. Come, I’ll introduce you to her.”

I simply smiled and nodded and followed Mom’s lead outside. There, I saw a few more people – probably my brother’s friends and some important people for his wedding. After being away for three years, I barely remember people – except for my family. But tonight, I am certain that none of these people are close to me.

Mom tapped Brian’s back and he immediately turned. When he turned, he immediately saw me and gave me a big hug. “Sab! Finally! I’m glad you made it!”

“Unfortunately.” I teased.

He pulled away and held out a girl’s hand who is standing beside her. “By the way, this is Maxene. She’ll be your future sister-in-law.”

Maxene held out a hand and I took it. “Nice to finally meet you, Sab.”

“Me too.” I smiled.

A voice called everybody’s attention. “Dinner’s ready!”

We all went inside the dining hall to have our dinner. Throughout the meal, people would exchange conversations with another and honestly, I feel non-existent –as always. The conversation was all about my brother and his marriage and how this marriage can bring about new business ties. They’re just being themselves as usual.

But there’s something unusual I noticed. Brian kept on looking afar as if he’s expecting someone to come. And so I asked, “You waiting for someone, Brie?”

“Yeah.” He answered, still looking around.


“My wedding singer. He’s supposed to be here by now.”

After saying that, I froze. His wedding singer? Does he mean…Terrence Martinez? I can feel my heartbeat accelerated as the thought of seeing Terrence again went on in my mind. What am I supposed to say to him when we meet?

It‘s been almost four years and a half since I last saw him. We were on our junior year when I transferred school and I practically never heard of him since then. Which made me think, why didn’t he do something to contact me? Maybe he’s mad after all.

The dinner was done and everyone continued minding their own business. Mom was busy chatting with her amigas; Dad was up in making business deals with the different company bosses; Brian and Maxene were busy discussing about their marriage; and as for me, I was here alone.

I went upstairs and stayed alone at the balcony. I watched people from above as they move around and chat. I can even hear the laughs of others from here. As I look down, I took the time to think.

What if I see Terrence tonight? What should I do? I can’t hide myself from him because no matter what, we’ll see each other at the wedding. What am I suppose to say? Should I tell him I’m sorry? That I kept thinking about him when I was abroad? That it was as painful for me as it was painful for him for me to leave?

Should I tell him how I really feel about him? Feelings that I kept for the past four years?

And as I was deep in my thought, I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes. My heartbeat accelerated, my hands went cold, my knees went wobbly and my breathing shallowed because – because I think I know who this person is.


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