Love Letters: Chapter Five

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Look, I have made a schedule of when I am supposed to update but yeah, I wasn't able to follow that. I've been the embodiment of "BUSY" lately and wil be until the 26th of October.

But I promise to update as often as I can because this story has to be finished by October 30 - which is the deadline for Watty Awards. BTW, keep supporting!

Please feel free to add me up on Facebook! The link is on my page. I'd love to be friendswith you all! Also, I chat with fans! :)

Enjoy reading!


Chapter Five

I stare blankly at my laptop screen waiting for her to come online. But hours have passed and nothing happened.

So, I pointed the arrow at the search engine andtyped her name. To my surprise, she deactivated her account.

Seriously, things are driving me crazy.

One minute she tells me that she wanted to see me and the next thing I know, she’s gone – or at least trying to keep distant from me.

I seriously don’t get it. If she seriously loved me, why would she have to leave the shop just like that? She took heaven-knows-how-many hours flight back here in Manila just to what? Waste thirty minutes waiting for me and then goodbye?

Since when have ladies begun to become such complex creatures?

Maybe she thought that I don’t feel the same anymore. Or maybe she just wanted to clarify the truth about Mr. M from me. Or worst, maybe she didn’t really love me the way she did back then. Because who knows? After spending four years or so with Mark, it seems impossible for her not to fall for him.

The clock keeps ticking and I kept on thinking of all the possibilities of what happened. The what ifs. What if I just told her that I am Mr. M back in high school? What if the guy didn’t propose to his girlfriend today in the streets? What if I didn’t let the grannies in the elevator earlier? What if I didn’t run after the guy who snatched the lady’s bag at the mall?


My eyes then switched to the picture clipped on my table lamp. I reached it and unclipped it. Holding it in my hands, I smiled.

“I screwed up again.” I said and hissed. “I guess it’s just you and me again.”

The girl with the straight brown hair and dark brown eyes smiles back at me as I hold her picture. “Why do we always end up together?” I laughed at the thought.

A feeling of comfort came to me as I say her name: Sabrina.

I was lost in her beautiful smile when my phone rang. I picked it up and answered.


“Hey, Migs.”

“Oh, Emil.” It’s my cousin. “What’s the matter?”

Emil sounded as serious as always. “My assistant photographers just called in for leave for the next two weeks and I have a wedding to cover. You think you can give me a hand on it?”

It’s a job for superman, again. “Sure. When will that be?”

“Let’s meet tomorrow at my studio and I’ll discuss the matter with you. Will that be okay?”

I nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

“Good. See you tomorrow, then. Bye.”

Call ended.


 I guess I’m still everybody’s superhero.


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xx Purple-ish

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