The Score: Chapter Four

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Hey there!

The Wedding day is on the 26th spot on Watty Awards 2012 >> Short Story genre. Keep supporting lovely people!

BTW, dedicated to @jerichi. You know why. *winks*


Chapter Four

The door opened and a girl in her elbow-length daffodil-colored blazers stepped inside the coffee shop. I stood up, waved a hand and smiled. Luckily, I got her attention. And this time, she responded way too different from the first time we’ve met. She smiled at me this time.

Today, I agreed to have my interview with her – just as I promised.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” She apologized. “Did you wait long?”

I shook my head. “No. I just came.”

I gestured a hand to her and we sat down, facing each other.

“So,” I started again. “Is there anything you want before we start? Coffee or something? My treat.”

“If that’s the case, I’ll have one caramel macchiato.” Then she smiled again. Oh, that smile.

I stood up from my seat and headed towards the counter. “I’ll be right back.”

Ynna was busy preparing things she needed for the interview while I was busy watching her do that from afar. The man at the counter even have to poke me just to get my attention.

When I came back with our orders, Ynna gave off that smile again – sweet and innocent – as she thanked me. Oh dear, please stop doing that.

She pushed the ‘Record’ button of her voice recorder as she asked me the first question.

“When you were declared MVP for the third time, were you surprised? Or have you anticipated it – considering that you are MVP for the last two season?” she asked.

I started to think – to think for the perfect words that would impress her. Because if truth be told, I expected it. I mean, who else would be MVP? So I answered, “I wasn’t really expecting anything at all. I just do things that I do and let things fall into place. I love basketball and being able to compete with others who are good players as well is overwhelming enough for me. Being MVP is just a bonus.” Good answer. “That’s why I’m thankful.”

She was listening intently to me as I answer that question. And judging by the look on her face, she seemed impressed. One point for me.

Before she could ask her second question, an idea came into my head. And I am pretty sure it was a brilliant idea. And it will surely help me in this ‘game’ – you know what I mean.

“Hey, why don’t we exchange questions?” I suggested. “So I could also get to know you. Friends do that, right?”

Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not really sure I can – “

“Come on! It’s not like I’m going to ask you Physics or Math – though I know you can answer them precisely.” I kidded.

Ynna gave out a small chuckle. And believe me, I tried my hardest not to kiss this girl again. Stop doing that, Ynna. You look…alluring.

“Fine.” She said in between her laughs. “What do you want to know?”

That’s a good question. What do I really want to know? Hmm. It’s not like I can ask her directly what she wanted in a guy, right? That would be awkward. Oh, right!

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