Bionic Action Hero P.1

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- Chapter Nineteen -

You were in the Hydra-loop area with the Davenport siblings, along with Leo as you saw Douglas skipping down the steps, happily. You looked up with an eyebrow raised, knowing that Douglas was happy for a certain reason. Why? You didn't know, but you knew he had some news.

Would it be good news? Probably but his good news didn't mean that it was good news for you guys.

"Guess who I just got off the phone with? Giselle Vickers," Douglas smiled wildly.

You looked up as Bree spoke, "The big Hollywood filmmaker?"

"She is legendary!" Leo exclaimed, "She made all the Killer Zombie Trucker movies. Because of her, I can't be at a truck stop."

"That's right, and get this. Her next blockbuster is gonna be called Bionic Action Hero," Douglas replied.

"Awesome! What's it about?" Adam asked.

"A bionic action hero," Douglas answered, as if were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Huh. Save your money. It sounds like a flop," Adam stated.

"The best part, it's based on you guys," Douglas pointed to Adam, Bree, and Chase.

"Woah, woah, woah. The same person who makes those lame zombie movies is gonna make our movie? No way," Chase shook his head.

"Must you ruin EVERYTHING!" Leo exclaimed, as you patted Leo's shoulder.

"Settle down little man," you smirked.

"Relax, Chase. Giselle's an old college friend. We spent a lot of time in the robotics lab together before she switched careers. We even dated a bit," Douglas chuckled, causing you to raise a brow.

"What happened?" Bree asked.

"Sometimes people grow apart," Douglas stated.

"She dumped you, didn't she?" Bree questioned.

"Worst day of my life!" Douglas cried, "And I've been to prison four times!" Douglas sighed as he stood, "Anyway, she wants the film to portray the bionics accurately, so she's coming here to research with the actor that will be playing you guys."

You looked up as Chase spoke, "Uh, I think you mean actors?"

"No, In the film, they aren't three bionic super humans. To simplify it, there's just one with all your abilities," Douglas explained.

"So, who's the actor?" Bree asked.

"Oh! I bet it's Dame Judy Dench!" Adam exclaimed as he did an accent, "Look at me, I'm bionic!"

Douglas shook his head, "No. It's some new up-and-comer named Troy West."

You slightly scoffed hearing the name as Chase spoke, "So they're just going to throw some rookie in the leading role? I don't want any part of this."

"I hate to say it, but I agree with Chase. You only have one to have your life turned into a movie. It should be done right," Bree stated.

"Exactly. So who's playing me? Denzel? Will Smith? Oh, who am I kidding? Those guys can't bring the Dooley," Leo smiled.

"Sorry, Leo. There is no character based on you, or you," Douglas pointed at you and Leo.

"I'm fine with that," you shrugged.

"What?" Leo asked in disbelief.

"It's called Bionic Action Hero not Kind of Bionic Sort Of Action Hero," Douglas explained.

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