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"That was totally uncalled for, Malice!" Mir'Kion sighed.
It seemed the Kalvashian, was a little too agitated, to be on the bridge of his own ship; but then, he had almost lost said ship, and Malice, well, she wasn't exactly to keen on the idea of singing her wings, a second time around.
"You, don't get to say anything, unless of course, it's too tell us where the hell you were, as a whole shitload of Insid were bearing down on top of us..." The Valkyrie spat back.
He was silent, shaking his head as he closed his eyes.
"Perfect! You just shut up and stay in the corner, and you, Sir Whatever your name is..." She turned to look at one of Kion's slaves, for lack of a better word. Dressed in a black suit, his pale blue skin, shining under the thin layer of sweat, the male stood quivering before her, unable to move. "Seriously?" She let out in disgust. "Can you even breathe?"
The male just stood thereby his console, his eyes darting back and forth between Kion and Malice.
"You're scaring him!" Navina told her, coming forward to protest some more, but the Warrior stepped in her path, and glared at the Lieutenant.
"Are you going to fly the ship? Cause in about, say, fifteen minutes or so, there are going to be a whole lot more of those bastards crawling all up in here." She growled, and Nyx let out what could only be called, a giggle, from the corner where he lurked.
"You scared him stupid, Mal!"The Demon chuckled, and let out an all out roar, "He's frozen in fear!"
"Enough with the comments from the peanut gallery!" Mia cut in as she breezed into the room. "The shuttle bay is ready,and we need to get the hell out of here."
"I was just asking this nice fellow here, if he would be so kind, as to pilot us on our journey!" Malice let out, so soft and innocent, it was as if a child ad spoken; but Mia raised a brow and cocked her head to the side.
"Yeah, somehow, I don't see it!" She let out, "You,and the nice fellow here, who looks petrified beyond belief..." Mia chuckled. "Yeah, no! Maybe that's what you thought you were saying..."
"Hey now! I didn't threaten him, or even beat him! I simply reminded the male, that there were others on their way,and we had to leave..." Her words came through gritted teeth at the end, and she glared once more at the male.
"Still not feeling it, Mal!" Mia shook her head, the long, prison striped locks dangling about her flushed cheeks.
The female looked as if she had just run a marathon, but then, maybe she had, Navina couldn't remember how they got back on the ship; it was all a blur,all the visions lately, were making it hard for her to tell what was real and....
Lync! She needed Lync!
And  kember! Fuck!Where was Kember? Was she alive? Was she...
Her thought was interrupted, as a body flew past her and hit the wall. The next thing Navina knew, she was being pushed to the side, and the Demon was in on the action.
"What the...?" She managed to get out, but there were fists flying and flashes of black, brown and gold...
'He will find his way home, Child!' The female spoke, and her words were filled with something, but it was not love.
'He has been gone for too long, Momma! What if something has happened to him?'
'You know your father can handle himself, Roselle, he is a grown male.'
'But it's been too long, and now you're back and talking of moving away... What if he returns and we are gone?'
'It's been a year, Roselle, we cannot afford to wait! We must look forward!'
'We must think of the future, Child! We cannot survive on our own, we need a male around to tend to the things males tend too!'
'But we know how to chop wood, you can cook and bake, and I can hunt, Father showed me how!' The young one argued back, the tears in her eyes, mimicking the storm that was raging over head.
'No! No more hunting! Am I to lose you too? My husband, and my daughter? No, there will be no more hunting!' The female sighed and shook her head, 'You must act like a proper lady now, Roselle, if you are to mingle with the Aristocrats, and the Lords and Ladies of The Court!'
'What are you talking about?' The young one let out, her eyes flashing a sort of deep green color, and her stance, as if she were ready to fight. 'What Courts?'
'I have something to tell you, I wanted it to be a secret, I wanted to surprise you on the ship...'
'What ship? What are you saying, Momma?'
'We are leaving this place, My Sweet! We are leaving for the North, we set out for Seldan in the morning, to begin a new life, in a new city! A city, which you will one day, reign over!' The chuckle sounded, the hands clapped, and the mother seemed to jump with glee.
'What?' The younger female let out, the light draining from her eyes. 'What do you mean, leaving? We can't!What about Father?' She shouted.
'You're father is gone, Roselle, claimed by the same animals he loved so much to hunt!' The older female sighed, bringing her hand to her forehead as if her head ached. 'He's gone, he's not, coming back!'
She watched as the young female's eyes turned dark and gray, and the door behind her swung open. The logs in the pit on the far side of the room ignited,and the young female named Roselle, bolted from sight as her Mother shouted out after her to come back.
In a flash, she was somewhere else, and the young female was just up ahead. There was a reason she was here, watching this, though she had no idea why, or even which world this was taking place on. She heard the cries on the wind as it whipped past her, felt the sadness and anger in cold stormy air, Roselle was fighting a battle inside herself, one she knew nothing about; and it was taking its toll on her, out here in the middle of the woods...
A branch snapped up ahead, and the path lit up as the figure walked towards the young female. She watched as Roselle hid behind the nearest tree, her tiny figure disappearing from sight as the large mass of black and glowing amber,passed by; holding her hand over her mouth, trying so hard to remain silent.
No sooner had he passed, Roselle was up and running back towards the meadow, and she followed her across it, and towards the little house by the creek. Roselle didn't stop as she bolted through the door, didn't speak with her Mother who stood packing box after box of memories, didn't slow down as she took the stairs two by two to her room. Once safely inside, she too packed a box, one filled with memories of her own making. Pictures of her father, trinkets they had collected, the beast's paw that he had made for her to dangle around her neck.
Roselle tucked them all away, lingering long enough to whisper a few words, before she crawled into bed with it in her arms. 'I will never forget, I will come back, and I will find you!'

Legends - A Devil's Daughters Crossover - Book One (Published)Where stories live. Discover now