Chapter 1, What the heck is that?!

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A/N Hi readers! Thanks so much for choosing this story! A quick note before you start, this story is similar to a Nico X Reader. The main character has a name, if you want to make it more personal, just change the names and other personal things like hair colour, etc. There will an underline under something like the main character's name, you can simply change it to your name and make it seem like your story. Thanks for reading this long a/n .Happy reading! <3

A faint glow emitted from the corner of my room. The thunder rumbling outside, lightning illuminating my room. Raining? Here? Well that's quite rare. I slowly open my eyes, my vision clears. And I see a soft glow. Ugh who in their right mind would message me at this stupid hour? I slowly shuffle out of bed, stumbling over my school bag and reaching for the light. I groggily rub my eyes as I reach out for the glowing object. I grab around, "Where on earth is that darned phone?" I mumble. My hand finally grab onto the source of light, casting finger shaped shadows on the wall. Oddly enough, it wasn't my phone. The object was a foot and a half long, it had a hard, smooth hilt that glittered oddly in the light - like it was made out of diamonds. The object had a flat blade, smooth in an odd way and sharp. It was translucent and looked like a crystal. There were flecked pieces of what looked like bronze inside and on the crystal blade.'"Oh God, why is there a dagger in here?" I whispered. Hushed voices came from downstairs, and I realised that the lights were on outside. I slowly walked outside, dagger behind my back. I inched into the living room, to see my parents having a quiet conversation. "What're you guys doing up so late?" I asked them, momentarily shocking them.

"We were just discussing some things about a summer cam-"

"About your school" my dad interrupted. He shot a glare at my mother, who suddenly seemed very interested in a cookie crumb on the coffee table. "What're you doing up so late?" My dad asked. "I wanted to uh, get some water" I finished my sentence confidently, attempting to make my lame excuse sound valid. "Good," my dad said "We wanted to talk to you about something," Thoughts ran through my head. Dammit, did they go through my text messages? Did they see my messages with Levi? Damn, my parents don't appreciate "underage dating" (underage being under 18). I'm not even dating Levi. He's just a friend... I guess... "Anira? Anira!" (Pronounced Ah-ni -rah) (not ah-nee-rah) My dad snapped his fingers in front of my face, cutting off my train of thought. "Uhh yeah?" I answered.

"As I was saying, we need to tell you something," I braced myself, preparing for the worst. "Cara... She isn't your real mom," There it was. WAIT WHAT?! I thought he was going to yell at me for texting a guy "WAIT WHAT?!" I yelped, dropping the dagger from behind my back. Yup, I was still holding it. "What in the name of... never mind. The point is, your mother... Your REAL mother, she's a Greek goddess," At this point I just stood there, frozen in time. So my mother isn't my mother, my actual mother's a goddess... "S-so, you're my s-step-mom?" Trying out the word. Step-mom. It sounds harsh and unwelcoming as it rolls off my tongue. "Yes," my mom, no, step-mom answered. She didn't the least bit frazzled from this information or my reaction, I guess they planned this moment way before they actually carried the plan out. They're way too organised and intelligent. "Now that you know, we need to bring you to... Camp... Now pack your things, I doubt we'd be seeing you in a long t-time" My mom choked on the last word, only then did I realise that her eyes were filled to the brim with tears, threatening to flood out any second now. I ran over and hugged her. My eyes filling up as well. I'll miss you both. I whispered. I turn around slowly and see that the dagger I dropped was gone. I felt something foreign on my hand, a crystal ring with a large diamond in the centre adorned my ring finger. I pressed down on the diamond and a pristine dagger folded out from the small ring. "I see you've found κρύσταλλο over here," I mumbled that foreign sounding word again and again in my head. 'Crystal'. It suddenly came to me. "Crystal?" I ask.

"Yes Anira, I see your big brain's doing you some good about now. Which reminds me, you need to go. Now," He pushes me towards my room, as I hastily shove my clothes and belongings into a suitcase. The clothes were no problem, as I only owned a few. But my books were really a problem. I gaze at my huge shelf, picking a few of my personal favourites. I carefully place them in the suitcase and ran back into the living room with my suitcase. My dad had a grim expression on his face. Time to leave. I gave my mom one more hug before leaving the apartment. We took the lift to the parking lot and quickly ran into the car. My dad hurriedly started up the car. "Where the heck is that darned boy," he murmured. Suddenly, I spotted Levi running towards our car, struggling with his metal leg. "What's he doing here?" I asked.

"Just escorting us," my dad answered.

"Good to see you're all alive," Levi said as he struggled into the car. He reached under his jeans and twisted his supposedly fake leg and it popped right off, revealing a hoof. How he did that? I still had no idea. And I'm supposed to be smart. His jeans disappeared, showing is furry legs. "Y-y-you're a a-satyr?" I stammered.

"Right you are smarty pants. Well, no pants in my case," I blushed and looked away. By now we were on a highway. Long Island was quiet during the day, and even more quiet at night. The freezing win howled pass as we travelled at 120 mph, exceeding the speed limit. I spotted a large object in the sky. An eagle perhaps? It flew closer to the car, and I when I realised what it was it was too late. The creature had the head of an eagle and body of a lion. It clawed at the roof of the car. "Sweet mother of cheetos, I thought we were safe this time!" Levi paled and chewed on the edge of his shirt. "Hold on!" My dad yelled. He cranked the temperature button 3 times to the left and 5 on the right. It popped open, revealing a red button. He pressed it and we instantly sped down the road.

At 230 mph you'd think that we'd crash, but apparently our car had an auto drive function. Our car twisted and turned down winding roads, until we stopped next to a large strawberry field. "Go!" My dad yelled.

I turned around, "I love you!" I shouted back and ran out of the car. Levi grabbed my suitcase and hurried after me. He was a lot faster that he was with his fake leg on. The gryphon had somehow flew all the way here. It completely ignored my dad and chased us, hot in pursuit. "Almost... there..." Levi grunted. We broke through an invisible barrier as the gryphon face planted on the side of a large dome, causing a ripple of force to flow through the dome. Before my eyes was an amazing view. Ancient Greek architecture surrounded us. There was an open-air pavilion, a circular arena, an amphitheater, and they all looked brand new. The buildings glistened in the moonlight. There was a sandpit nearby, where you could play volleyball. A lake shone and shimmered with intricate patterns and a bunch of cabins nestled in the woods. "Beautiful isn't it?" Levi asked. I couldn't answer. It was amazing, the beauty of the place was ineffable. "You guys should go to the big house," I looked around, attempting to find the owner of the voice. My eyes settled on a boy a little taller than I was. His dark eyes full of sadness, like he was broken beyond repair. The boy travelled closer, his strides long and majestic, like he was a prince or a king. He stood directly in front of me, paying more attention to me than Levi, which didn't make any sense of all because Levi was a satyr. His dark hair was messy and tousled, his eyes a dark brown, like mine. I felt a sudden twinge. A pang. I ignored it and asked "Who are you?" His lips curved slightly upwards, so slightly that it was nearly impossible to spot.

"We've got a newbie here huh? I'm Nico Di Angelo. Son of Hades, prince of the underworld or whatever." His voice was deep and melodious. His title seemed intimidating . He seemed hostile... and lonely. I mustered up my courage " Anira Ash, daughter of some goddess I don't know yet." He seemed slightly amused. I picked up that he was one that was hard to impress. His smirk seemed more unwelcoming than friendly. But there was a small allure to his hostile smile... "Well, welcome to Camp Half Blood," He said unenthusiastically. He seemed a little tired and bored. "So umm. What do we do now?"I asked " Well, scratch my first idea, I doubt Chiron would appreciate some camper waking him up in the middle of the night" He directed a glare at me when he said 'some camper'. Hmph, what's his problem? "Hermes cabin? Naw too many newbies." His tone softened when he saw my scowl."Go find Percy. He'd probably let you guys spend the night," Nico shrugged "I better go find Hazel now. She's lost Arion. Again." He seemed annoyed now. "Well see you around Anira," He lumbered off, and melted into the shadows. "Is he always like this?" I asked Levi. "Nah he's usually worse. First time I've ever seen him almost smile." He paused. "Why are you so interested anyway?" He asked. "No reason," I answered - almost too quickly. "C'mon. Let's go find Percy," And with that, I followed Levi to the cabins.

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