Chapter 17, Disaster?

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Well, wonderful. Five flaming bulls just had to charge into camp. I'm kidding, no flaming bulls charged into camp.

Okay, what I'm about to tell you might sound ridiculously stupid, but you've got to believe this. 

Leaves on the trees swayed in a soft dance, mesmerising birds and bees. Fireflies drifted around lazily, igniting the night with light. All was swell, eh?

"You miss me?" Nico asked, tenderly stroking my hair.

"What do you think?"


"Of course! Tu es un adorable mais stupide petit Nico,"

"What??" He looked at me quizzically. "What was that last bit?"

"I said, you're an adorable but stupid little Nico,"

"But you didn't say that. You said something in another language,"

"What? No, I don't know any other languages" I sent him an are-you-kidding look. "Tu rigoles?"

"THERE, you just did it again!"

"What?" Confusion shimmered in his eyes.

"You speak French?" He asked.

"What? N-" I was cut short by a shimmering dove above my head.

"This is not good," Nico murmured. "Big house, now," He dashed off, pulling me with him.

Chiron was in centaur form, playing pinochle with Mr D, who came back to camp after the giant war.

"Chiron, I think you should see this," Nico panted, he leaned on the porch railing for support.

The dove still gleamed above my head, as if it wanted everyone to know that I had been claimed AGAIN by Aphrodite.

"But isn't Anira a daughter of Athena?" Chiron asked.

"Yes, but-"

"Titanium. Come with me, child." Chiron looked over at me, beckoning me to go inside the big house.

I followed Chiron inside. We stopped in a room filled with cushions and couches. "Take a seat," he said. It didn't sound like a command, more like an offering. I sat. "Well, I don't think you know this, but you're very special," He said. He didn't sound like he was trying to boost my self esteem, more like he was announcing my death.
"Is that... a bad thing?" I asked.

"In some ways, yes. But, the life of a demigod is almost always, hard." His voice was grim, he did train thousands and thousands of demigods, I'm guessing 99% of them had suffered a lot. "You see, what you are... it's something that happens once in a millennium." He paused, waiting for me to take the information in. He continued. "It's when 3 gods or goddesses are picked randomly. They have to be of the same gender. Three gods, or three goddesses. As you can guess, if you're a child of all of the big three, you would be unstoppable, and would suffer incredible amounts of pain, loss, everything." He paused again. It definitely has happened before. "Who are your three goddesses?" He asked.

"I-I only know two," I stuttered.

"And they are?"

"Athena and Aphrodite," I answered.

"Well, in that case, you should receive extra training, these demigods only come once in a thousand years, it is an honour to train one of these titanium demigods, and more importantly, to protect them."


"I take that odd things have happened to you when you get angry or very very emotional. Perhaps things like glowing eyes, things levitating?" He suggested.

"All of those, actually." I didn't pay much attention to those moments, I usually didn't get over emotional. For all I know, it's only happened once.

"Now we will find out your final parent." Chiron announced to an inexistent audience. "Show me."

"I-I don't know how,"

"You can. Think of the time you got over emotional, the times you were most angry, when things started floating," He instructed.

I closed my eyes and recalled that memory from my vast collection of old childhood memories. It wasn't that hard, considering it was quite unforgettable. A loud gasp sounded. It was mine.

The room was wrapped in a bright light. I looked over at myself in the mirror. I was floating a few inches off the ground, my eyes a brilliant mix of colours. Turquoise, magenta, yellow, amber, every color you can think of, even more fascinating than Piper McLean's eyes. They swirled in a pool of colours. A large vase lifted off the table, loose objects followed suit. I was wrapped in a cocoon of light.

Chiron looked surprised, I think he's only dealt with one or two titanium demigods before. Suddenly, all the light vanished, the vase tumbled onto the ground. I fell back onto my feet. A bright light bursted out once more, and the room transformed.

I was back at my old school. The old grey lockers looked exactly the same. Students wandered the halls. "Hey you!" A pudgy little boy approached me. He may not look like much, but he was the school's biggest bully. Odd, huh.

He and his goons trudged over. Not again. "You wanna give me your lunch money?" He asked, even though it sounded more like a command.


"What did you say?"


"HOW DARE YOU, YOU FILTHY LITTLE NOBODY," He grabbed me by my bag and flung me over to the lockers. How a pudgy little boy did that, I have no clue. "Care to reconsider?" He asked, a smug grin on his face. His ugly friends laughed along.

"I should be asking you. Do you care to reconsider?" His goons seemed to reconsider, my words sank into their minds. It looked like I was charmspeaking. I was unconsciously charmspeaking! A drop of blood splattered onto the ground from my split lip.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" He roared. He charged at me, but I simply raised a hand, and he repelled like a magnet, crashing into the wall.

"I'm Anira. Daughter of three, unless you all want to eat school floor for lunch, I suggest you piss off," Seventh grade me was such a badass. I noticed my eyes were glowing, I was hovering over the ground, and again, random loose objects floated in the air. When I spoke, three melodious voices floated out. Immediately I understood. Athena, Hecate, and Aphrodite. Daughter of three? How did I know? I simply blurted it out at that time, i didn't even know what it meant!

The pudgy bully's friends backed off in horror. From then on, none of those runts annoyed me again. I guess I got the reputation of a girl that shouldn't be messed with.

The image faded and dissolved like the mist. Chiron looked over at me. Athena, Hecate, and Aphrodite.

We headed off to dinner. Right before we ate, Chiron made an announcement.

"I know that all of you know what a titanium demigod is," he looked around. A few demigods muttered and nodded. "I am here to announce, that in a millennium, a new titanium demigod has come. All hail Anira Ash. Daughter of Athena, Hecate, and Aphrodite," A stunned silence filled the dining pavilion. Nico looked over at me in shock, his thoughts had been confirmed.

I was a titanium demigod.


A/N Hello! It's been two weeks since I've updated! Sorry! I've just been pretty busy at school. GCSEs are coming on this year! 157 reads, 19 votes! Thank you all so much! Especially lamturtle8 and newsies_14! Thanks for voting! A shout out to those guys, go send em love! Bye!


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