Chapter 18, Testing, testing, 1,2,3

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The shock of becoming a Titanium Demigod wore off pretty soon. I guess I didn't even have the time to think about it. Why? You'll see.

The stunned silence was soon broken, a bone chilling scream echoed around the dining pavilion, filling every corner, every crevice, every hole. It rebounded against the walls, the trees, and the people. Flinging around like a pinball. Chaos broke loose. A few campers ran to investigate the scream, and more importantly, who screamed. Unfortunately, the answer didn't have to be found, it found us. 

A dragon lumbered across the strawberry fields, it's claws digging into the dirt, crushing ripe strawberries. The juices staining the ground pink, like blood on a battlefield. A loud roar sounded from the green dragon, the sound shocking us back to reality. We scattered. Obviously, I tried to find Nico in the crazed crowd, but he wasn't there. I expect he was trying to find me too. I watched as Jason flew out of the crowd, sword in hand. He jabbed at the dragon's eye quickly, and dropped as the dragon swiped at him with his large claw. 

I saw Percy, Annabeth and Hazel jabbing at it's underside. A few other campers joined in, the rest of them ran for weapons. Frank and Leo were no where to be seen. 

"GUYS, WE NEED ANOTHER DRAGON!" I yelled at them, they seemed to immediately respond, I guess my new charmspeak is kicking in. I ran into battle, jabbing at the dragon's belly, but it's skin seemed impenetrable. It's green scales gleaming. 

"SLEEP! RUN! LEAVE!" I heard Piper's desperate attempt to confuse the dragon, it worked for a second, but it quickly regained it's stance and continued walking towards the big house.

"Anira! Go Titanium! It's the only way!" Annabeth ordered. She was desperately rolling in between the dragon's feet, trying not to get crushed. 


"Anger yourself! Fill yourself with emotion! Theoretically, it would work!"

I thought of those bullies, the disparity in the world, everything and anything that would anger me. "It's not working!" I yelled back. 

"Sorry for this!" Hazel shrieked. I felt a sharp jab to the stomach. Hazel just punched me. 

"OW! Hazel!" 

"She's still not angered!" Hazel informed Annabeth.

A sudden cool feeling swept over me. Something soft pressed against my lips. Really? In a battle? I felt Nico slowly pull away. Just in time, eh?

I slowly lifted off the ground, my feet hovering inches over the earth, my eyes a blazing pool of color. 

"IT'S WORKING! WAY TO GO NICO" I heard Percy exclaim, he was now scaling the beast, trying to get to it's head. Small rocks and dirt around me lifted high into the air, in a split second, they a;ll rushed towards the beast. There was a loud roar as the sharp rocks embedded themselves in the dragon's hide. It spread it's wings, in a desperate attempt to intimidate us. 

I raised my arms, and the dragon lifted above the earth. It tried to fly away, but I wouldn't let it, I held it down with my telekinesis. "I-I CAN'T HOLD IT FOR MUCH LONGER" I yelled.

The ground exploded. Gems and buried celestial bronze weapons sprung from the earth, flinging themselves at the monster. Skeletal warriors walked out, and started fighting the beast. Two dragons suddenly emerged from the sky. Festus appeared, with Leo on his back. "YEAH BABY. LET'S GO KICK SOME DRAGON BUTT," He whooped. 

The other dragon, which I assumed was Frank, swooped down and engaged in battle with the other dragon. A large tide washed from the beach, geysers exploded as the dragon was submerged. A few lightning strikes after, the dragon was gone. All that was left of it was a pile of dragon scales. Sharp and wicked, perfect for throwing stars. 

I lowered back to the ground and blinked a few times. The light slowly faded away. I collapsed. "Anira!" Nico caught me. "Sorry, just. Tired" I murmured. 

"You did good," He whispered. His thumb grazed my cheek. The others gathered around as a few of us slumped onto the ground. Hazel leaned against a tree, needing the extra support. Percy sat on a log, catching his breath. Jason, miraculously, had not been knocked out. 

"Shhh, go get some rest. You'll need it," Nico muttered. He pulled into a kiss. Soft and sweet. 

We couldn't afford to shadow travel back, since he spent most of his energy on those skeletal warriors. But he insisted on carrying me back to the Athena cabin. Even though I was a Titanium demigod, I stayed in the Athena cabin. Something about it being my main power. I dunno.

He put me down on my bed, and I drifted off to sleep. 


A/N Hello people! G'day to you too! Okay, I don't know. Well, thanks for reading! Please comment on the story, tell me what you think. Thanks! <3


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