Chapter 32, Frolicking

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The soft morning breeze rifled through my messy hair as I skipped along the path to the big house. I wasn't trying to get there, I just needed a little walk to distract me from my thoughts.

The black flash. We're going to need a meeting soon, aren't we?

My skipping gradually slowed to a walk as thoughts raced about my head. Honestly, it's getting quite annoying.

A door slams in the distance, and I hear some distinct yelling. I guess someone's having a bad day.

Then again, where's Ni-

"BOO!" I feel a shove as someone slams their hands down hard on my shoulders. I stumble forward slightly, but quickly regain my composure.

"At this point, I'm so used to being scared by you, I'm immune to your 'jump scares'," I shake my head.

The dark haired boy left an arm dangling on my shoulder, and the other drooped down by his side. "I know," Nico said. "But are you used to THIS?!"

A skeletal mouse formed at my feet and leaped onto my chest. "GAHH," I stumbled backwards and into the grass, tripping over my own feet and falling onto the grass.

The mouse scampered around before leaping off my chest and hurriedly digging a hole in the ground and disappearing into it.

"NEEKS!" I complained. Nico, of course, was stood there laughing.

I sat up and looked at him for a while, debating on my next actions. I grabbed his wrist and pulled backwards, morphing his laughter into a shriek.

"Aniraaaaaa, whyyyy," he whined. His head fell back onto the ground in defeat. He rolled over to my side and grabbed hold of my hand.

I looked up into the sky. It was rather sunny, the soft grass tickling my back. I had to squint to see, which wasn't very pleasant. The spreading warmth, however, was.

"Do you ever wonder what a regular mortal's life is like?" I asked randomly.

"Yeah," He started. "I mean, doesn't everyone wonder about other people's lives? Like how mortals wonder about celebrities' lives. And how we wonder about theirs,"

"Deep." I stated. The clouds danced slowly in the sky, swirling around and around and around.

"Let's prank someone," I suddenly gasped.

"Um, sure?" Nico affirmed. "But what're we gonna do?"

"We pretend... uh..." I started. "We spend the day stalking Piper."

"What?!" Nico yelped, "but-"

"We follow her around and disappear whenever she sees us,"

"Uh, with the mist?"

"Yeah, I'll bend the mist and stuff."

"Okay..." Nico's voice dragged off.


"She's there," Nico whispered. Piper was walking across the volleyball pit.

"Sneak up close, act really weird and emotionless. It should creep her out," I whispered back.

"What if she charmspeaks us?" Nico asked.

"I'll charmspeak you back. I can resist it." I answered.

We stalked up silently behind Piper. Keeping our eyes oddly wide open and faces emotionless. We glided across the sand and over to her.

Feeling a soft gust of wind, Piper turns around. Her braid flung onto her shoulder from the momentum.

She sees us, and fixes her gaze at the odd sight. Two teens with wide eyes and emotionless faces, staring directly back at her, unmoving. To be honest, I'd be quite unnerved.

"Guys...?" She cautiously questioned.

I slowly cocked my head to the side.

"Are you guys... okay? Uhh..."

We stared directly into her colour shifting eyes, wide with confusion and a wisp of fear. Her face hardened.

"Speak." She commanded.

"No, speak not." I said in an eerie tone. Not quite monotone, but emotionless and full of steel.

Piper's opened mouth clamped shut as she struggled to speak for a moment before she returned with a wave of charmspeak. "Tell the truth. What has happened to Anira and Nico?"

"They're here. Right here." I responded, which wasn't a lie, since we were there.

Time to leave.

I unfocused by eyes and focused them again. A weird habit of mine. Piper's eyes followed my strange habit. When they focused again, she looked around in confusion. I guess it worked, we did disappear. She awkwardly shrugged it off and left. Probably to tell Jason or something.

I felt a cool hand grip mine as we melted into shadow.

We appeared behind the Athena cabin. A tired Nico and a lighthearted Anira. We stood in silence for a second, before making eye contact and bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Did you see her face?" Nico rasped. "She looked so derpy,2):739/":"

"Poor- poor Piper," I managed.

Falling into Nico's arms out of sheer I'm-not-bothered-to-stand-ness, I feel him lean against the wall and slowly caress my hair.

I guess we both aren't bothered.


A/N okay, this chapter is a train wreck. I am so so sorry for not updating lately. Exam season, I guess. Also, I've dived into a few other fandoms and kinda invested a lot of time in them. (Doctor who, y'all) Again thank you for the reads, votes and comments. I'm so sorry for not updating. Bye!!


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