Chapter 20, Memories. The sequel

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The world around us vanished. Concentrating on my memories, I bent the mist to show us what I wanted It to.

His hand firmly grasped mine as we spun into the world of my mind.

"And she's up!" An annoyingly familiar voice said. AGAIN.

We watched the scene unfold from 3rd person view.


Nico's poker face was carefully displayed as he watched intently.

"You seriously think this bad boy couldn't charm a few Athena girls?" He struck a pose.


"DIE UNBELIEVER" He started tickling me.

"GERROFF, STOPPPPP PLEASE!" I yelled in between laughs.

Nico's hand tightened around my hand. Anger seeping into his face.


"I'LL DO ANYTHING!" I shouted. He stopped.

"Anything eh?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I regretted saying that immediately. I sprung up and ran out as quickly as I could.

"Hey! Get back here!" Leo commanded.

"And this is what he thinks the definition of 'good friend' is?" Nico muttered.

I sprinted towards the dining pavilion and tried to blend in with the crowd, hoping Leo wouldn't notice me. I stopped in the middle of the pavilion.

Leo caught up to me and squished me in a hug. "Wait for your punishment," He whispered.


Leo spun me around and kissed me.

I honestly hate my life so much, right now. Nico was fuming. He gripped my hand until his knuckles turned white, his face gaunt with anger.

Nico from the past had a look of terror on his face, he was slowly backing up. I shoved Leo away. "Nico! Wait, it's not what it looks like!"

Too late. He bolted through the trees towards the Hades cabin. Cabin 13.

"Nico!" I shouted. It was no use, either he was out of earshot, or he just wasn't bothered to answer me.

He reached the porch, I reached the porch. He reached the door, I-. Well, I didn't really reach the door.

He ran inside and slammed the door shut, right onto my face. The sheer force pushed me back. I fell, I quickly extended a hand and I stopped in midair. I slowly regained my posture and noticed the burning sensation on my face. Blood.

I rubbed my nose. Watching it happen again brought back the pain. I looked over at him. The anger melted away, a look of nostalgia flitted across his face. Sadness welling up in his eyes.

"Nico... I... The thing with Leo, I didn't - I mean, he showed up in my cabin this morning. He chased me out and... That happened. It didn't mean anything, I..." I stuttered.

"Nico?" No answer. "I'm sorry, I guess I'll just leave."

The image melted away.

I fell softly to the ground, tired and overwhelmed by emotions and tiredness. "I... I'm sorry," He whispered.

"You don't have to be sorry," I said.

He stared at me. "I- I hurt you," He tested out the words. "I hurt you," He repeated, louder than before. "I can't, I have to, I'm so sorry,"

He dashed off to the woods, to do who knows what.

A/N SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING EARLIER!!!!!!! Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. A goodbye from Bristol. It's pretty cold around here, lol. Bye


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