Chapter 6, My Pegasus Broke Down

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Before I knew it, I was riding on a cream colored pegasus with Nico by my side. We were far away from the others and he was laughing his head off. Which he obviously wouldn't be doing in front of anyone else. Why was he laughing? Because the saddle on my pegasus had flipped and I was flying upside down on the winged-horse. "DEAD HEAD, SOME HELP OVER HERE?!" I shouted over at him, hanging on for my life. "S-sorry Anira, it-it's just you-you're" He burst into another fit of laughter. I slipped off my pegasus, barely hanging on with one hand. "NICO! I'M SERIOUS! I'M ABOUT TO-" I was cut short. I was free falling through the air, 50 meters above the ground. I got closer and closer. 40... 30... 15... Suddenly, I landed on something soft. I open my eyes to dark, chocolate brown eyes. "Hey, I've got you owl eyes," I was gliding through the air, on the back of Nico's pegasus. Nico had turned around, his back facing the winged-horse's head, and his face towards me. Only then did I realise how nice his face was. His cute button nose, his deep, dark eyes, like bottomless wishing wells, his pink lips. "You okay?" His eyes full of worry. "I'm fine," I murmur. "Just, tired and relieved I'm not an ugly splat on the stable ground," Some of the worry drained from his eyes, filling with relief instead.

"Sorry for, you know. Not catching you earlier," He awkwardly rubbed his arm and looked down at the pegasus' back. "Hey," I take one of his hands. He flinched from the sudden contact. "It's okay, I'm fine," I reassured him. A faint blush danced across his face, making his pale skin look more lively. I felt my face warming up. Oh gosh, here it comes. I could feel the blush creeping across my face. He smiled. "You look like a tomato Owl eyes," He snickered. Dammit, is it that obvious?

"You look like a ripe peach yourself!" I laughed back. His already pink face darkened to deep shade of red. "Now you look like a tomato Mr Clumsy,"

"Now I just wish I let you turn into a grease spot on the stable roof," He muttered. I laughed at his desperate attempt to shield his blush.

We flew back to the stables and tended our pegasi. Because of our awkward 'incident' (Incident be me almost plummeting to my doom off a pegasus,) we were late to the stables and were forced to make up for the time we lost. By the time we were done, we were supposed to be at dinner. We said a quick 'Bye' before splitting up and heading towards our tables. I settled down, sacrificed some of my cheeseburger and fries and started to eat.

"So," Annabeth starts, "How's Nico?" I felt the blood rising up to my face. A collective 'oooooh' went around the table. "Why'd you ask?" I replied casually.

"You've got a thing for him don't you?" Emma juts in.

"What? No." I reply way too quickly. By now, I probably looked like Percy after Annabeth slapped him attempting to stop him from being so shocked at Nico smiling.

"Yeah she does," Annabeth confirmed.

"Dang it you guys, shut up!" I hissed.

"So you're admitting it now?" Emma smirked.

"Fine. But please promise to shut up. I don't want the Aphrodite cabin to find out," I begged

"You have our word," Annabeth continued. "So, when are you planning to tell him?" She asked.

"What?! He doesn't even like me!" I objected.

"Yeah he does. Did you see him blush when you were seconds away from kissing? That sword fighting was so romantic," Emma whispered. "If that indolent idiot hadn't coughed, you guys probably would have kissed," She wiggled her eyebrows

"And Nico practically never smiles. I've never seen him smile after... Never mind. The point is, he's happier with you around," Annabeth puts a reassuring hand on top of mine, and so does Emma. The warmth from their hands filled me with faith and happiness.
"Thanks guys, I'll just let the story fold out. A daughter of Athena's always got a plan after all," I smile happily.

A/N Oooooooh, whatcha thinks gonna happen? How do you think Anira's (or you) going to tell Nico? Put them in the comments! Thanks for the reads! Please vote If you enjoyed the story so far! I'll keep updating! (Later today) <3


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