Chapter 15, Cabin Problems

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The humming of machines around me echoed in the room.

We were still in cabin 13. But it seems like the Apollo campers turned the Hades cabin into an infirmary.

Nico was next to me. He seemed to be fine. A cloth covered a large hole in the ground where the skeleton protruded from. What happened... still seemed like a dream. I mean, Nico wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

We were hooked up to heart monitors, an IV dripping in the background. My shirt was in tatters, probably because of the skeleton.

"You guys okay?" Will Solace was in the room.

"Uhh, what happened?" I asked, dumbstruck.

"We couldn't carry you guys out of the Cabin to the infirmary, so we brought the infirmary to you." He shrugged.

I tried to get up, but immediately regretted it. A sharp pain shot up my spine to the back of my head. "You've got a minor concussion, a wound where the skeleton grabbed you," Will said.


"Yeah, we think Nico summoned a skeleton. But we don't know why," he finished.

There was a groan next to me. Nico finally woke up. He blinked a few times. His eyes were back to normal, not like the menacing eyes from before. "Whaa?" He mumbled. I felt the sudden urge to hug him, but I couldn't move without torturing my back. WILL noticed me staring at Nico's eyes, relaxing when I saw they were the usual chocolate brown.

"There was something wrong with his eyes," Will said aloud.

"What?" Nico asked,

"There was something wrong with your eyes." Will nodded. "I'm guessing he was fine one second, and turned around different?" He asked.

"Y-yes, he looked... evil," I murmured.

"Turned around and attacked you, flickering expression. Could do with a brain membrane disfunction."

"How did you know?" I asked.

"A few rare cases with children of Hades, I'll have to check," he strolled out of the room, leaving a bewildered Nico and a worried me.

"I-I attacked you?" Nico asked

"Yes... the real you was distant, I don't... you were in the memories too, right?"

"I don't want to talk about it," he whispered.


"Multiple personality disorder, but only temporary. He must be in an agitated state. Happens to children of Pluto and Hades, sudden memories, blackouts, happens when they find a significant other," Will explained. Which made sense, Hazel had blackouts right after she met Frank, which means it didn't have anything to do with her coming back from the dead.

"So, I randomly attack people when this thing strikes?" Nico asked.

"Yes, you'll have to learn to control it, until it leaves, but we'll have to put you in quarantine," Will said. Nico looked dejected. Small waves of darkness rolled off him. I was sure he was going to disagree.

"So no Nico, for who knows how long. Until this thing disappears?" I asked. "But,"

"It's for the best," Nico murmured

"What?! But Nico,"

"I've already hurt you once, I don't want to hurt you again," he said.

"I-I... but how long will this last?"

"Effects range from at least a month, to a year," Will said.

"This can't happen,"

"It has to. Don't worry, I'll control it," Nico took my hands. His soft eyes melting my brain into a puddle. He pulled into a kiss. Soft, tender. Too short.

"Okay..." I agree.

"I'll see you sooner than you think, feather brain," he flashed a small smile, but his eyes were full of sadness.

Control this Nico. Do it for us.


A/N Short? Yes. I'll update again soon, don't worry. Bye peeps!


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