Chapter 19, What Now?

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Dreams. Weird thing, aren't they? Especially if you're a demigod.


I looked around to find myself in an empty room, an empty area. Darkness, that's all there was.

"You must have a lot of questions," The voice said again. It was distinctly female, but something about the voice sounded... off.

"Good... I see that you ponder my identity? Identities."

"Who are you? Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm not one, I am three," A bright light appeared in front of me. There stood three women. One, gorgeous. Her beauty was ineffable. The other, brave and intimidating. The third, mysterious but bright.

"Aphrodite, Athena and Hecate..."

"Yes, child. You are a child of three,"

"But, how does it happen? I mean, how was I born?" I know, awkward question, wow.

"A drop of ichor is taken from us. Put into a crystal chalice and mixed with human DNA." Athena spoke up. "I'm afraid our time is up, choose wisely, child."

"Say hi to Nico for me! You guys are so cute together," Guess who said that? I don't even need to explain.

The dream drifted away, deep into the night.


"And she's up!" An annoyingly familiar voice said.

"LEO!" I sat up, "HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN HERE? THIS ISN'T EVEN YOUR CABIN! THIS ISN'T EVEN THE BOYS' DORM!" I shouted. All my cabin mates were gone, so that's how Leo got in.

"You seriously think this bad boy couldn't charm a few Athena girls?" He struck a pose.


"DIE UNBELIEVER" He started tickling me. How bad can my life get?

"GERROFF, STOPPPPP PLEASE!" I yelled in between laughs.


"I'LL DO ANYTHING!" I shouted. He stopped.

"Anything eh?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I regretted saying that immediately. Being the smart child of Athena (Aphrodite and Hecate too, duh) I was, I sprung up and ran out as quickly as I could.

"Hey! Get back here!" Leo commanded.

I sprinted towards the dining pavilion and tried to blend in with the crowd, hoping Leo wouldn't notice me. Speaking of which, where is Nico? I made the stupid mistake of stopping in the middle of the pavilion.

Leo caught up to me and squished me in a hug. "Wait for your punishment," He whispered. Ewwww, doesn't this guy know I have a boyfriend? At this rate, he'll get himself thrown into tartarus.

Being the daft Aphrodite kid I also was, I forgot about my titanium powers. Oops! (I'm such an idiot)

Leo spun me around and kissed me. Full on the lips. I'm just waiting here, waiting for him to be thrown into hell. WHAT HAPPENED TO CALYPSO, HUH? Before I could register what was going on, I caught sight of a shaggy black mop of hair. Great.

Nico had a look of terror on his face, he was slowly backing up. I shoved Leo away. "Nico! Wait, it's not what it looks like!"

Too late. He bolted through the trees towards the Hades cabin. Cabin 13.

"Nico!" I shouted. It was no use, either he was out of earshot, or he just wasn't bothered to answer me.

He reached the porch, I reached the porch. He reached the door, I-. Well, I didn't really reach the door.

He ran inside and slammed the door shut, right onto my face. The sheer force pushed me back. I fell, I quickly extended a hand and I stopped in midair. I slowly regained my posture and noticed the burning sensation on my face. Blood.

"Nico... I... The thing with Leo, I didn't - I mean, he showed up in my cabin this morning. He chased me out and... That happened. It didn't mean anything, I..." I stuttered.

"Nico?" No answer. "I'm sorry, I guess I'll just leave."


I found myself by the cliffs past the woods of Camp half-blood. I took a shaky step off the cliff. Nothing. I continued walking until I got around 10 meters away from the edge. (being a titanium demigod had it's advantages) I guess no one can bother me now.

Nico. He can't just. He can't... I continued wiping my nose with the edge of my sweater. The bleeding slowly stopped, but I was still emotionally damaged. I could just let go. Just fall. It would be so. Easy.

I closed my eyes and blocked out the world. A quiet place to think.


The soft hands brought me back to reality. Without noticing it, I went into my Titanium state, eyes colorful, body powerful.

Soft hands wrapped around me from behind. Which was completely illogical because I was a hundred meters off the ground. It definitely wasn't Jason, because he was dealing with Thalia's tree obsession.

"I'm sorry," The person whispered.

"I should be the one who's sorry,"

I looked back. Rocks and earth formed a crumbly bridge out towards me. Somehow, I didn't notice him come towards me at all. Nico stood at the edge.

"I promise, I didn't know it was going to happen." I whispered back. "Let me show you," I unraveled his arms and extended a hand. He took it, and we spun into the world of my mind.


A/N Hello peeps! It's almost Christmas, yeah, yeah. *Does funky dance*. A massive thank you to my new followers, Grayson_TheNight and Ghost_Queen5527! Please comment and vote! Thanks! <3


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