Chapter 7, Twig? What Twig?

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Capture the flag was after dinner.

After an incredibly short day of training, me and Nico had become friends. Since he didn't appreciate other people's company very much, we stuck together. "Tonight, we will play capture the flag," Chiron started. I think his announcement was a little obvious. "The two main teams are, Cabins 3,5,6,10,11 and Cabins 1,4,7,9,12. The cabins that have not been announced may choose sides. Remember, no maiming or killing,"

I figured that we were with Percy, the Ares cabin, the Aphrodite cabin, and the Hermes cabin. The Aphrodite cabin wouldn't be extremely helpful. Piper being an exception. They could guard our flag, placed preferably on something tall but hidden. Hermes cabin would come in handy sneaking through and capturing the flag while the Ares cabin cause a distraction. Percy would be a powerful offence and defence. And us? We'd be the strategists.

A few of the smaller cabins began to take sides, Nico and Hazel were among them. Obviously, they chose to be on our team, Hazel wanting to be with Frank and all. In the end, the Hades cabin and Hecate's cabin had joined our team.

We gathered around a tree stump in the middle of the woods. "Listen up people," Annabeth commanded. Her leadership skills shining through. "We have a large advantage today. We have to Hades campers and a Poseidon camper. Not to mention the skilled thieves, charmspeakers, magic workers, a shapeshifter and a cabin born for war. The plan is simple," She jabbed a finger at a cluster of trees on the map. "We hide the flag over here, behind the trees, it would be almost impossible to spot. Aphrodite campers, stay behind the trees and guard, use a bird call when the enemy approaches. Keep your eyes open for distractions." She ordered. "Piper, I want you and Drew to stay close to the flag, divert their attention and confuse them with charmspeak." The Aphrodite campers nodded in approval. No one dared to oppose Annabeth's battle plan. It was genius after all. "Ares campers, create a distraction, charge their base and locate the flag, remember to circle around it to make sure the enemy thinks you're our main offence," Clarisse nodded, "Our campers should be able to do that. Hey you! Go gather the weapons," She ordered a small Ares camper.

"Frank, you can sneak in around the trees, fly overhead to scout the base. Nico, you and Hazel shadow travel to the enemy base when you hear the call, startle the enemy and try to get the flag, if you can't, continue distracting as the Hermes campers sneak in behind. Athena campers, I want Emma and Malcolm to stay with me. Guard and strategise, be the centre of communication." They nodded. "And Anira. Offence and defence. You're good with a dagger, go with Percy. You both can charge in if there's an opening. Now go," She finished. The campers split up to their assigned posts and jobs.

The Hermes campers gathered together and discussed their sneaking techniques. The Ares cabin got into formation and waited for the horn. I split up to find Percy. "Hey Percy?" I saw him sitting at the base of a tree, deep in thought. He finally seemed get over the fact that Nico smiled. "Oh hey Anira. Good timing. Just follow my lead when we start okay? Get behind me if you can't handle the fight, I don't want a camper dying on my watch," He said. His sea green eyes full of concern.
"Okay, I've got it," I assured him.

A horn sounded in the distance. The game started. Frank morphed into an eagle and soared overhead. A minute later, he came back. "About 100 meters from the side of the lake, in between the strawberry fields and Zeus' fist," he informed Emma. She quickly wrote it down, and passed it to Annabeth, discussing formations with Clarisse.
Annabeth's brow furrowed. No doubt they stationed themselves far from the lake. Or else Percy could've won the game without anyone else moving a finger. I watched as the Ares campers yelled a battle cry, and charged into battle. A deathly wave of swords, daggers, spears, and shields. The Hermes campers quietly slipped through the trees, heading towards the back of the enemy's base. "We better get moving," Percy commanded. I followed him around the trees to the edge of the woods, towards the strawberry fields. "Hey Little Miss Clumsy," I jumped. Nico and Hazel were with us, jogging towards the strawberry fields as well. Before I could ask, Hazel answered my question. "We're moving closer to the enemy base, Nico can't shadow travel that much after delivering the Athena Parthenon back to camp. He tires easily," She explained.

We moved next to the fields, scouring the area for the place Frank described. A bird call sounded. The enemy has made their way to our base. We had to speed up. The others seemed to realise as well. "This is not good," Percy muttered.

"I feel a lot of celestial bronze. Your 11 O'clock," She pointed in the distance, "The flag is there, two guards, the Ares campers have arrived. The Hermes campers are still sneaking around. I can feel their weapons," Her gold eyes were closed as she focused. We ran, following Hazel. Her eyes were closed, but she moved with such agility that you'd think she could see everything. She slowed down. "There," Nico whispered. He held onto Hazel and disappeared into the shadows. They materialised somewhere behind a tree.
"Okay, split up, help the Ares campers if they need it. Charge towards the flag if the Hermes campers don't arrive after 5 minutes. Grab the flag, find Nico and shadow travel back." He ran to the left and I ran towards the right. I dodged past trees, careful not to step on dried leaves, twigs, or trip over tree roots. An opening. I inched towards the flag, careful to avoid the battle of the Ares campers and the other team's defence. The Hermes campers still haven't arrived. Slowly... slowly... and wow. I just had to step on a twig didn't I? An Apollo camper appeared from behind me, and swung his bow at my head, trying to knock me out. I tapped my ring and swung Crystal at his bow. His bow snapped in half, but that didn't stop him from advancing. He grabbed a sword from his belt and swung. We were engaged in intense battle when I heard a cry of pain. I made the mistake of looking over, to see Hazel hunched forwards with an arrow in her arm. I felt a stab towards my leg. I looked down and saw the blood, trickling down slowly. The camper whammed the hilt of his sword on my temple. My eyes started to glaze over, I felt myself slipping from consciousness. I heard a sudden shriek as the Apollo camper was struck down. I felt strong hands lift me up, and I dissolved into the shadows.


A/N Hullo world! Thanks for reading this chapter. A new one's coming out hmm, two hours later? Stay tuned!


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