Chapter 11, All the Time in the World

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"I thought... You didn't like me," I tried to keep the shock from my voice. We were riding on our pegasi, drifting above the clouds. The other campers were small clusters in the large expanse of the sky. "I didn't not like you. I mean, I was about to tell you when you told me. I just lost my voice from the shock, you know." He admitted.

A logical explanation. He did look quite flustered after I admitted I had a crush on him. I guess I should have waited a little longer. "Well, that doesn't matter anymore." He started. "I've got you now,"

"And you've got me," I finished. He looked over, his small smile brightening up my world. Which was very ironic for a son of Hades. The loneliness and emptiness in his eyes were replaced with a dash of hope, and warmth. "You mind holding this while I go for a ride?" He asked.

"Hold what?" A look of confusion on my face.

"This," He replied, holding his hand out. I grinned and took it, as we floated through the clouds.


The days went by quickly, and it was by far, the best days for both of us in a long time. We'd sit by the lake together, far away from the crowds, where there were no bushes or trees for people to hide behind. We'd hide in the strawberry fields, eating the sweet, ripe strawberries fresh off the stalks. We'd watch movies and he'd complain about the inaccuracy of the spirits' appearances. But tonight was different.

Nico told me to meet him by the lake after dinner. I showed up to see him sitting on a bench, gazing at the setting sun. The summer days were warm and long after all. "Ready to go?" He asked.

"Where to?"

"Close your eyes," He nagged. I did what I was told, and I felt his warm hand slip into mine. I felt a sudden rush of cold and speed. "You can open them," He whispered. And I did. In front of me was a meadow of flowers. Patches of moonlace, baby's breath, roses, carnations, and other mythical flowers I couldn't name. The meadow was lit up by the soft glow of the silver flowers. I noticed a small patch of glowing gold flowers planted in a small heart. "What are these?" I asked Nico.

"Phoenix tears," He said. The flowers were gold in the center, and faded into different colors; yellow, orange, and a vibrant red. "I asked Calypso to help me," He revealed. "She brought more than a few bags of seeds from Ogygia, a favor from her to me." He grinned at my reaction.

"It's beautiful," I murmured. I looked over at him. "You're the best, Dead Head," We shared a passionate kiss. Our lips moving as one. He sighed in the middle, and moved his hands down my waist, pulling us closer together.

We ended up falling asleep in the garden. A soft patch of grass served as a nice bed. I woke up to find his arm over my waist, his chin on top of my head. "Good morning Feather Brain," He whispered.

"Good morning to you too Mr Clumsy,"

"We should get going, If Coach Hedge finds us here... Lets just say it wouldn't be a pretty sight," He laughed quietly.

He shadow traveled us to the volleyball pit, and we parted ways there. "Thanks again Ghost King," He smiled at the appreciation.

"No problem," He waved goodbye and walked towards the Hades cabin.


A/N WE'VE REACHED 70 reads! Thanks so much guys! Sadly, I haven't gotten any votes or comments. Well, thanks for reading this anyway! I know, this is a short chapter/update. I promise I'll update a longer chapter soon! Please vote or comment so I know that I actually have readers. Lol. Thanks again! <3


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