Chapter 19 - 'I'll do anything.'

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I pause before answering, because I don't know what the answer is.

"I didn't know we were together." I mumble.

"I don't know what to think; one minute we're making out and the next you are trying to get Reid's attention."

"And you think I know?!" I ask incredulously.

"I thought you would have a better idea than me."

"Well I don't. If anything I'm more confused than you are." I look away and at the blank TV on the wall. You know that feeling when you look the wrong way through a pair of binoculars, when the things you know are right next to you look far away and at the other end of a tunnel, and it feels like you are watching a film on a circular screen; I suddenly get that to a small extent. I can't control myself anymore; I am now in the audience watching myself through my eyes. If I had to bet money on who was responsible, I would feel no qualms about putting all my life savings on it.

"Fuck off Kyle. I've had enough of your bullshit." I hear his familiar chuckle before the room starts to move and then Hunter is in frame. His brown eyes move over my face. I hear my voice start to talk.

"You know what... That's a lie." It's like hearing your voice back on a recording. I can't believe it's me and that's what I sound like.

"What do you mean?" Hunter asks, wrinkles forming above his pulled together eyebrows.

"I mean that I don't actually like..." My voice starts. I realise now what Kyle is trying to do.

"Stop! Kyle your beef is with me, don't pull him into this." I plead. "I'll do anything." I finish hesitantly. Hunter looks on at me expectantly, waiting for Kyle to finish the sentence for me.

"Anything?" He asks with a smile affecting his tone. I sigh.

"Yes." I mutter. "I have conditions, after I do it; you have to promise to leave me and my friends alone. No mind tricks or turning my friends against me. OK?" He groans.

"I will leave the friends you have currently alone. I can do whatever I want with Lily. And no, I'm not giving Reid's memories back." He counters.

"Before I say yes, what do I have to do?"

"It's easy, nothing hard or big."

"Yeah, so, what is it?" I ask wary and not sure I want to know the answer.

"I want you to..." But before he can finish he is cut off by Hunter's hand on my arm. I feel like I am zooming towards the image and suddenly I am back to normal.

"Get off me!" I snap. A hurt expression emerges on his face before he pulls his hand back, as if I burnt him. I wait for Kyle to appear again and finish his sentence.

"Kyle?" I ask tentatively. I wait, but he's gone. I groan: the chance for his mind games to be over has gone.

"What was that all about?" Hunter asks. "You started talking and then cut off."

"That was Kyle." I explain to Hunter everything that Kyle said. Afterwards Hunter sighs.

"Do you think that was a onetime deal?" He queries, asking the question I was thinking.

"Honestly, I don't know. Knowing him it probably is and he'll take it back when I mention it next." I respond. Hunter gives me a sympathetic smile.

"How's your shoulder?" He asks. I move my clothes so I can see the bandage, which has been soaked through with my blood. I peel it back and look down at the wound; it is almost healed.

"I'll get you another bandage." He says getting up. As he disappears to find another bandage, my phone lights up with a message.

Leo: Are you with Hunter? Where are you?

Scar: I'm at my house. He's not with me right now.

What? I'm telling the truth.

Leo: OK. We're coming over. I throw my phone down onto the couch next to me. 5 seconds later Hunter's phone lights up with a message. I chuckle. I guess they didn't get that I was being facetious.

"What you laughing at?" Hunter asks coming back into the room. I smile up at him.

"Nothing." I reply, pressing my lips together to stop a laugh escaping them. He shakes his head and starts to redress my wound. Just as he is finishing I hear a car pull up outside. I hear Liam pay the cab driver before the doorbell rings. Hunter walks to the front door and opens it. I hear Jake, Leo, and Liam exclaim in surprise. Bianca just greets him.

"You're here, but Scar said..." Hunter turns around and looks at me, raising an eyebrow. I grin sheepishly at him.

"I didn't lie. Hunter was upstairs when you text. So, no, he wasn't with me." They mock laugh at the comment. Hunter allows them in and they all come and sit down. When they see my freshly bandaged wound, their eyes widen.

"What happened? Hunter was worried about you, saying that something must have happened. He went to look for you and said that if he didn't come back in ten minutes to come and find him."

"I was charged at by a unicorn and I was impaled by its horn." I reply, with a straight face. Bianca laughs.

"She was shot and lost a lot of blood; it might have affected her." Hunter explains, indicating his head.

"Hey!" I object.

"Who shot her?" Leo asks.

"Just because I'm injured doesn't mean I'm not here." I interject.

"Lily. I shot her back." Hunter replies.

"Did you take the bullet out?" Jake asks.

"Really?! Of course I took the bullet out." Hunter replies.

"Can I have a look at the damage?" Liam asks stepping forwards. I back up.

"You want to see the wound? That's a bit weird." Liam rolls his eyes.

"I want to make sure you don't have any damage to muscles or nerves." I look around at Hunter and Bianca. I can't show him, it will be like the knife wound all over again. Liam walks closer and reaches for my bandage. I give another glance to Bianca and Hunter. Bianca looks ready to tackle him, and Hunter looks ready to knock him out.

"Wait! No, stop." I say moving further away.

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War of Fate (Book 2 Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz