Chapter 11

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"No! NO!" I scream as I pull on my ties.

Amon slams his hand onto Bolin's head, causing his eyes to widen before falling. The rocks that his bending held up, fall, causing the ground to tremble.

"Please! Stop!" I scream as I try to pull towards the monster. "You benders will be cleansed" Amon hissed before bringing his hand down onto Mako's forehead, taking his bending.

One by one, I watched as those who I loved lost their bending. From Grandma, to Tenzin and his children, Katara, Toph, Lin, and finally, Korra.

"No! You can't do this!" Korra screams as her eyes connect with mine "Dakota! Save me".

But it's too late, Amon brings his hand down and Korra fall to the ground. I close my eyes, tears falling from them, to my cheeks, then onto my lap.

As I slowly open my eyes, they widen at the sight. Around me are those who lost their bending, their faces angry. "Save us Dakota, save us, save us" they chant as they get closer and closer to me.

Before I can run away, I am pushed to my knees. I look up, and my eyes widen at the sight, it's my mother and father, who hold hands.

"We gave our lives for you, yet you can't live up to what is expected of you. You are weak" they say in correspondence before bringing down their hands onto my forehead.

With a scream, I wake up, my breathing is fast and loud.

I pull my knees up to my chest as tears fall down my face. I never thought a person like Amon would exist, or that I would come so close to facing his wrath.

I needed to talk to someone, someone who also almost faced his wrath: Bolin.

Getting up, I quickly dress myself and I'm off. Pushing my door open, I wipe another tear from my face.

"Dakota?" a voice whispers and I'm pulled by a pair of hands. Ones that I haven't held in a long time, yet they feel, recent.

My eyes turn quickly before gazing into a pair of blue ones.

"B-Bato!" I stutter as beads of sweat go down my face.

"Hey, where are you heading off so early in the morning?" he asks as his hands let go of mine. "Oh, you know just going to see my friend in the city, where have you been?" I ask, my eyes gazing into his.

"Well, I've been visiting family in the city, and you know how aunts and uncles are" he chuckles "but you have fun, I'll see you later".

He was lying, his Grandfather only had one son, which was his father. I would need to press more about the issue later, but for now I needed Bolin.


"Take that!" a voice screams in the gym as I enter. My eyes land upon a guy in a white tank who blasts fire into the air.

"Mako?" I ask as the firebender throws blast after blast. His head turns "Dakota? What are you doing here? Do you want to get caught again?" he asks, confusion on his face as he walks up to me.

"Where's Bolin?" I ask, my lips set into a firm line.

"Upstairs, just go talk to him and leave me alone" Mako says before turning around and continuing his training.

Rolling my eyes, I walk out of the gym and I try to find the stairs. 


My eyes settle on a lump under a bundle of blankets.

"Bolin?" I ask as I near the bundle of blankets, but it stays silent. Suddenly, the lump moves, causing me to jump back.

"Stay away..from...her." the lump mumbles, clearly sleeping.

I raise my eyebrows as I near the lump yet again. My fingers slowly grasp the blanket before I yank it back, exposing Bolin, who's eyes snap open.

Instantly he screams and jumps up into a fighting position.

"Bolin, it's me" I say before yawning. Korra was right, the morning was evil.

His eyes softened "Dakota? You're here? But yo-" he started before shaking his head, clearly confused.

"I can't get him out of my mind Bolin, and Korra, Mako and my Grandmother can't understand" I say quickly. Bolin moves forward and sits next to me.

"I can't sleep, I just see his hand" Bolin states, making me nod. "When I came back to the city, I never thought I'd see someone like this" I confess "I thought the city was peaceful".

"Well, it isn't and people are getting sick of it, I just think they're taking it too far" Bolin states.

"And those electrical gloves? Scary" I state, making Bolin frown. "After you went down, I tried to get us out of there, but I got shocked too" Bolin says, almost making it sound like he's at fault.

"Bolin, you're not at fault, Amon is" I state, making him smile slightly.

"We should really stop talking about last night" Bolin chuckles dryly "Or we'll just both be hiding under some blankets".

I nod silently, which leads Bolin to ask me "Hey, maybe we could go grab dinner, then swing by Air Temple Island?".

Should I go out with him? Was this even a date? No, it couldn't be. But what if it was? I had to find out.

"Yes, I would love to" I smile before taking his hand. 

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