Chapter 19

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"So, you think Mr. Sato manufactured those gloves for the Equalists then framed Cabbage Corp?" Tenzin says as Korra explains the situation.

"That's a bold accusation, but what proof do you have?" Lin said, her brow raised at Korra.

"Well, I don't exactly have proof, but I know what I heard. Sato's up to something." Korra says, my eyes looking over at her. Could she just be jealous that Mako was with Asami?

"He does have the means ... and he has a motive." Lin says, making Tenzin's eye light up. "That's right".

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Twelve years ago, the Agni Kai Triad robbed Sato's mansion. A firebender killed Sato's wife during the break in." Tenzin says, my eyes widening in surprise.

"That's terrible" Korra sadly. I look down at my feet, knowing what living without parents is like.

"It was tragic. It's possible that he's been harboring anti-bending sentiment all this time." Tenzin says, eyes swimming with thoughts.

"Maybe we should look at Mr. Sato a little more closely." Lin states, causing worry to flood through me.

What if Korra was right? Mako, Bolin, Asami and even Leinani shouldn't be living with the man. I had to talk to Bolin.


The butler opens the door, letting us into the Sato mansion. While Tenzin and Lin go up the stairs, Asami and Mako stop us.

"What's going on? Why are they asking Hiroshi more questions?" Mako asks, his eyes trained in on Korra and I.

"I overheard him on the phone yesterday. Asami, I don't know how to tell you this, but I think your father might be involved with the Equalists." Kora whispers, causing Asami to flip.

"What? I don't believe this." Asami growls, marching upstairs.

Glaring at us, Mako spits out "You spied on Hiroshi? What's your problem?" Then he too marches up the stairs.


"Mr. Sato, we just have a few follow-up questions for you." Lin says as Asami and the rest of us enter. At Mr. Sato's side is Leinani, who glares at me and Korra.

Marching up to Lin, Asami spits out "My father is innocent. Just because we're not benders doesn't mean we support those awful Equalists.".

"Equalists? Is that what this is about? I can assure you I have nothing to do with those radicals." Mr. Sato says, making Leinani look down,  eyes wide.

"Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about" Mako sneers at us.

Pointing at Mr. Sato, Korra yells out "I overheard you on the phone. You said the Cabbage Corp investigation bought you time, and you're getting ready to strike. Explain that!"

With a chuckle, Mr. Sato explains "This is all just a misunderstanding, resulting from the young Avatar's overactive imagination. My number one competitor was knocked out of the game. It's providing me an opportunity to strike the market with a new line of Satomobiles. It's just business. Nothing nefarious."

Lin's eyes look downward, clearly upset that we were wrong.

"In order to put all suspicions to rest, might we have a look into your factories and warehouses?" Tenzin asks, Asami put her hands on her hips, eyes rolling .

She opens her mouth to respond, but her father beats her to it "If you feel it's necessary, you're welcome to search all of Future Industries."


I ride with Korra on Naga as we look at the factory.

"Come on Naga" I say, but she whines.

"I know what I heard Dakota, he's working with Amon" Korra sneers angrily as we pass a new man. "Is it possible, presidents of Cabbage Corp and Future Industries both have Equalist ties, or did Hiroshi Sato frame his longtime rival, Lau Gan-Lan? Or did Chief Beifong just plain arrest the wrong man? So far the investigation has yielded no evidence to incriminate Sato" he says, making Korra and I cringe.

"I can't believe we didn't find anything." Korra sighs as we jump off Naga and approach Lin and Tenzin.

"It would appear Hiroshi is innocent." Lin sighs.

"Okay, you did your search. Now you can all leave." Asami growls, causing Lin to glare at the girl.

Suddenly, I'm pulled away from the group and into a private conversation with Mako and Korra.

"So, I hope you're convinced now." he spits at the two of us.

"No, I'm not! I don't care how cooperative Hiroshi is being, I know he's lying." Korra sneers. "I agree, something just isn't right" I add, Mako rolling his eyes in response.

"Why are you doing this Korra? Are you that jealous of me and Asami?" Mako sneers.

"What is going on?" I ask, my voice sharp, but the two ignore me. "What? Don't be ridiculous! That has nothing to do with it!" Korra gasps.

"If you don't drop this, consider our friendship over." Mako sneers, Korra crossing her arms defiantly.

"I'm sorry. Hiroshi is not the man you think he is." Korra says before turning and joining the others.

"Why are you doing this Dakota?" Mako asks, my eyes widen slightly. Mako never calls me by my real name. I quickly recover and respond with "Because I've seen what Amon and his crew can do, up close and personal."

"Still, why do you think Mr. Sato is behind this?" Mako growls.

"Because Mako, during the championship game, I watched as everyone got electrocuted. I almost got dragged off into the clutches of Amon. Those gloves are powerful Mako, an idiot couldn't have made it".

"The same goes for you Dakota, if you don't drop this, our friendship is done".


While Korra, Tenzin and Lin checked out a source of information about Mr. Sato, I returned to the mansion.

Hopefully Bolin would be there and I could talk to him.

"Hello Miss Lee" the butler spoke as he opened the door for me.

"Hello sir, is Bolin in?" I ask, causing him to sigh. "Sadly, he is, his room is on the second floor to the left. It's the third room". Nodding, I gave a smile before asking "Are Asami an Mako back?"

Shaking his head, I turned and started up the stairs.

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