Chapter 29

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Note: I've been doing some MAJOR editing, so some chapters have been merged. You also can't read the chapters for the start of season three, so sadly you'll need to wait. But trust me, the wait will be well worth it. I hope you all enjoy.

My feet drag in the snow. The calls of my friends have long past.

What have I done? How could I do that?

A cold wind brushes along my face, making it numb. I always wanted to be good. To be the girl alongside the Avatar in saving the world. To make people look up to me on how they looked up to my grandparents.

When people heard my name, they were shocked. I was the legacy, the girl that would carry on their feats along with building my own onto it.

I was going to be a hero.

Yet, I was able to destroy that in one fluid moment, I let my emotions get the best of me.

I fall to my knees, my legs unable to carry me anymore. By this point, I was in a small cave. How I got here, I don't know.

I wait for the tears to fall down my face, as they always have. I am weak. Unlike my grandparents, and even my evil father, they stayed strong, even when things were crumbling around them.

Yet. I wasn't like them.

The tears don't fall down my face. Instead the numbing feeling spreads through my body.

How had everything gone so wrong? From Bato and his death. To my love for Bolin, which crumbled up into nothingness. To my father, who cursed me with his horrid ways of bending.

Yet I used it.

I wince at the anger that flowed through my body and I bent Amon and Leinani. Both times, I almost brought them to death. Both times, I didn't care if they died. The rage and pain that filled me overlooked my morals.

What did I do?

"I can't" I whisper, sitting down and pulling my knees up to my chest.

Good and evil flowed through my veins, yet I felt evil. Like a criminal that deserved to be locked up. What ever happened to the girl who was too afraid to speak up?

"Are you alright?" a voice whispers, my eyes lifting up instantly.

An old fat man was crouching beside me. I was no longer in the South Pole, but instead in a grassy field. "Where am I?" I ask, looking around in awe.

Chuckling, the man stands to his feet "You're in the Spirit World, Dakota." Holding out his hand, he pulls me to my feet. "How do you know who I am?"

"I was good friends with your Grandparents" he smiles.

Realization hit me like a wave. Grandma talked about the leader of the White Lotus, but he died before I was even born. "You're Iroh" I say as he begins to walk "But how are you here? You were never a spirit."

"That may be true, but the spirits took interest in me, so when I died, I came here."

Pushing through the grass, I grin "That's amazing, but how did you bring me here?"

Stopping, he turns with a bewildered look "I didn't bring you here, Dakota. You did that yourself."

"I'm so confused" I admit, sitting down on a nearby rock "Ever since Yue blessed me with the power of spirits, I've been so lost. I may be a more powerful bender, but I don't understand anything else. I don't understand what I am."

"Well, do you see those spirits over there?" he asks, points towards a few floating rabbit looking spirits "While they look like spirits, you look human. Can you think of why?"

My thoughts drift back to the only time I ever looked like one of the spirits. "It was during a full moon, when Yue blessed me."

"Perhaps your spiritual appearance only appears when there's a strong spiritual influence nearby, or there's a full moon" Iroh suggests.

"Still" I sigh, "I can't control myself, look what I did to Leinani when I found out what she did. I'm scary Iroh. I'm a monster."

"Control is not something you are born with, it is a skill you must master" wisdom flows from Iroh's words "Now, come, I think I might know someone who might be of better assistance."

"Where are we going?" I call as the old man manages to walk quickly. The scene around us drastically changes, from a joyous and bright field to a dark forest.

"You mustn't be too loud, the spirits that roam here hate to be disturbed" Iroh whispers as we carefully walk through. Soon I began to notice that everything had a face. From the rocks, trees, even the bushes had faces. Some were smiling, laughing, while others frowned, or screamed. This was nothing like I thought the Spirit World would be like.

I guess whatever I thought this place would be like was wrong. Not everyone was a spirit, there were wise humans long past their own lifetime, and people like me, people blessed with the spirits.

Stopping us, Iroh looks down into a pool of dark water. On the other side of the pool rests a large tree, more than half of it buried in the water. "What now-?" I stop as I realize Iroh was gone, leaving me alone, yet again.

Looking down to my hands, my eyes widen as they glow a light blue. I wasn't alone.

"Don't be afraid, child, I won't hurt you" a calm voice whispers, a chill shooting down my spine. The tree that rested in the pool moved, most of the branches forming two long arms, while the rest of the tree formed a body.

Gasping, I look at the pool of water, which shifts towards the spirit, pushing it into the air. Finally, a few branches full aside, revealing a series of the same face going around it's head.

"Who are you?" I ask, stepping closer to the pool of water where the spirit stood.

"I am The Mother Of Faces, young spirit" she says coolly, as faces rise around her, almost like a shield.

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