Chapter Seven

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Oh my god, guys. I can't believe how quickly this book has grown. I mean we're nearly at 2k reads. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Harry breathed in deeply and then out. Why was he so nervous? This was it. The time he told his friends, and basically everyone at Hogwarts, that he and Draco were dating. Harry only managed a few steps before he spotted Draco. Draco started waving so Harry wove back. Hermione, Ron, Fred and George looked from Harry to Draco at least 100 times. "Wait, what?" Ron asked wearily. Before Harry could explain Draco came running over. He took hold of Harry's hand and planted a small kiss in his cheek. "Hi," Harry whispered. The look on the others fours faces made Draco's heart drop. "Did you tell them yet?" Draco asks quietly. Harry look out from underneath his fringe at his boyfriend. Draco looked amazing. His hair was swept across his porcelain skin and his suit fitted his body perfectly. Harry shook his head slowly. "I'm so sorry," Draco muttered whilst pulling Harry into a hug. "I think we should go and sit down so we can explain," Harry said. Draco nodded and the six of them walked down the steps in silence to the nearest table.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Where stories live. Discover now