Chapter Twenty-One

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"How dare you disgrace the Malfoy name!" Lucius Malfoy bellowed at his son. All four of them were sat at the table. Draco and Harry were cowering and Narcissa was sat awkwardly between he husband and her so. "Father I'm sorry but I can't help how I feel. Please don't disown me," Draco whimpered in reply. Lucius just looked even angrier. "I'm not your father. You're not my son. I never want to speak to you again. Leave now and take Potter with you," he screamed. Draco, Narcissa and Harry froze in shock. They'd expected it to go badly but not this badly. Never did anyone think that Lucius would kick Draco out. "But father. Please," Draco begged. "OUT! NOW!" The older man yelled. Draco slowly rose from his seat and pulled Harry up with him. Narcissa saw they got to the door. "Harry please take him somewhere. When you arrive, send me an owl. I'll send your trunks to there. Goodbye, my son-in-law. Goodbye, my son. I love you both. Never forget that" Narcissa told the boys, giving them both hugs. As they left Draco had tears in his eyes. "We'll go to the burrow. Mrs Weasley will welcome us with open arms. It will be alright baby. It will be okay. I promise," Harry told Draco. He pulled the sobbing Slytherin into a hug and slight kiss. "Thank you, Harry. I love you," Draco replied. They linked arms and instantly apparated. They land softly outside the burrow. Harry took Draco to the front door and knocked three times. Mrs Weasley opened the door with a smile. "Harry. Draco. How lovely to see you both," she exclaimed hugging the boys. The shirt woman noticed Draco's damp eyes. "What's wrong my dear?" Mrs Weasley asks softly. "Can we come in?" Harry asked. Mrs Weasley let the boys in more and they sat around the cracklings fire.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Where stories live. Discover now