Chapter Sixteen

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Harry woke up and squinted in the light. Next to him he could sense Draco staring at him. "Morning my beautiful fiancé," Dray whispered. Instantly, a smile crept on to Harry's face. He leant forward and placed a soft kiss on Draco's forehead. "Shall we get up Dray?" Harry asked quietly. Draco nodded slightly but before Harry could leave the bed he pulled him into a kiss. "I love you babe," Harry whispered. They both clambered out of bed and into their robes. The red and green complemented each other perfectly. "I have to run back to Gryffindor common room to get my stuff. See you in the great hall," Harry said, giving Draco a goodbye kiss. Once he was gone Draco felt lonely. That was until Draco looked down. The white gold ring on his left hand sparkled in the sun. Draco grinned at the thought of that night. He left the Slytherin common room with a smile on his face.

*Time skip to breakfast in the great hall*

All throughout breakfast Harry and Draco had been staring at each other. They were trying to motivate each other to tell their best friends about the engagement. Draco was telling Blaise and Pansy. Harry was telling Ron and Hermione. Obviously. "Did you go to Hogsmeade yesterday Harry?" Hermione asked gripping Ron's hand. Harry nodded while finishing his scrambled eggs. Once he had, he pushed his plate to the side and lent on his hands. "What the fuck Harry. What is that on your hand?" Ron exclaimed. Harry jerked his head up to see Ron and Hermione staring at his hand. He could also see Dray speaking to Zabini and Parkinson. Right. I have to tell them now,he thought to himself. "Well's an engagement ring. I proposed to Draco. That's why we went to Hogsmeade yesterday," he told his friends. Both of them looked shocked but started to smile. "I'm so happy  for you Harry," Hermione said, giving him a hug. "Yeah same mate. That takes guts. I can tell he really makes you happy," Ron told him while giving his best friend a clap on the back. Then Harry felt an arm around his waist. He turned round to see Draco sat next to him smiling. This surprised Harry. Nobody went and sat at a different table in the great hall. Not even Pansy and Cedric and they'd been dating for two years now. "Hey Dray," Harry muttered pecking Draco's lips. "Did you tell them yet?" Draco asked, smiling. Harry nodded and Draco looked up at Ron and Hermione. "Can I see yours Ma...Draco?" Hermione asked while smiling. Draco extended his pale, slender fingers to show off the glistening white gold ring. "They really are beautiful," Hermione said. "Thanks Hermione. Harry surprised me during a fight. We bought them yesterday," he told them. "Well I'm happy for you both. Even though I'm not Draco's biggest fan," Ron said. All four of them giggled. "Back at you Ron," Draco replied with a slight giggle. Harry was so happy. He was marrying his true love and his life finally started to make him happy.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Where stories live. Discover now