Chapter Twelve

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Pansy pushed through the door of the Slytherin common room and Hermione and Ron followed. "Draco?" She called out. Draco and Harry heard someone come in downstairs. "Draco?" They called out. "Shit. It's Pansy," he whispered to Harry. They both jumped out of bed and pulled on their pyjamas. "Ju...just coming Pansy," he yelled back. "Babe I can't find my jumper," Harry told Draco. "Where is i... shit I know where it is. You left it downstairs after last night," Draco said wide-eyed. Harry ran round hurriedly but picked up one of Draco's old jumpers. He held it up as if to ask permission. Draco nodded and walked over to Harry. He took the jumper from Harry's hands and pulled it over his younger boyfriend's chest. After he was done, Draco grabbed Harry's waist and pulled him close. Harry placed his hands on Draco's cheeks and stared into his eyes. Then suddenly they started kissing. At first they were just slight pecks until they became more heated. Draco's tongue begged for entrance to Harry's mouth and it was granted. Their tongues danced together while both of them let out small moans. Harry pulled away slowly and smiled at Draco. "I love you so much Malfoy," Harry whispered to the small Slytherin boy. Draco grabbed the raven-haired boys hand and they ran down the stairs. Pansy, Ron and Hermione were sat on the chairs and laughing in the common room. "What took you two so long?" Pansy asked cheekily. Draco blushed softly and gripped Harry's hand who was avoiding eye contact with Ron. "Look mate I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. Or you Draco. If you make Harry happy then we're gonna have to put our differences aside. Agreed?" Ron said standing in front of the two boys. Suddenly Harry ran forward and pulled Ron into a hug. "You're my best friend Ron. I'll always forgive you," Harry muttered to Ron. Ron looked up to see Draco glaring at him slightly. "It's alright Malfoy. I ain't stealing your man," he chuckled as him and Harry let go. "Yeah I know. You wouldn't dare mess with a death eater," Draco replied. "Friends?" He asked holding his hand out for Ron. He took hold of it and they gave each other a small hug. Pansy and Hermione were smiling at each other. "By the way Weasley. You can call me Draco," he told Ron as him and Harry sat down. They sat in the cuddle chair and Draco pulled Harry into his side protectively. "Okay Draco. Only if you call me Ron," Ron replied while wrapping his arm around Hermione. "Agreed Weas...Ron," Draco replied. Harry smiled up at the older boy and pecked his lips. "I love you babe," Draco told Harry. Ron and Hermione fondled with each other's hands until Ron gripped Hermione's. Then he planted a soft kiss on her lips. Pansy made fake puking noises. "You four disgust me," she said while laughing slightly. They all chuckled and talked for the rest of the afternoon.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Where stories live. Discover now