Chapter Thirteen

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"Harry. Do you want to stay here tonight?" Draco asked sweetly. Ron, Hermione and Harry were saying goodbye to everyone. Harry and Draco were giving each other multiple hugs and kisses. "Okay little prince. I'd love too," Harry replied while giving Draco another kiss. A huge smile spread across the Slytherin boys' face. "Okay I'll see you tomorrow Harry. Don't get up to any activities you two," Ron said while heading to the door. "Nah that was last night," Draco said with a smirk. "HARRY JAMES POTTER!!" Hermione yelled. Harry and Draco were grinning cheekily at each other while Ron, Hermione and Pansy looked shocked. "Anyway Pansy. Is Cedric coming over tonight?" Draco asked. For the last two weeks Cedric had come to stay with Pansy at night. "Yeah he is he'll be here in a min..." she replied but was cut off by a knock on the door. Pansy went over to open it and revealed a smiling Cedric. "Ceddy!" Pansy yelled as she ran over to him. "Hey pumpkin," Cedric said in reply as he picked the small, Slytherin girl up and swung her around. "Right, we'll be leaving now," Ron said as him and Hermione left. They all waved goodbye and the door shut behind them. "Shit it's 2:45 guys. Let's go to sleep," Cedric said. All four of them nodded and they headed up to the dorms. Harry and Draco one way. Cedric and Pansy the other. "Wait Harry, Draco. Are you two going out?" Cedric asked while gripping Pansy's hand. "I'll answer that without saying a word," Draco told Cedric. He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and stared into his eyes. Then Draco bent down and kissed Harry softly but lovingly. Harry ran in hands through his boyfriends hair and gripped it. Draco picked him up and wrapped Harry's legs around his waist. Their kisses started getting more heated while Harry groaned quietly. Draco walked upstairs with Harry still wrapped around him. "Right, okay then. That's that question answered then," Cedric chuckled as Pansy led him to her dorm. Draco pushed his back against the dorm door without stopping kissing Harry. He pushed Harry on the bed. "I'm leading tonight babe. It's time for you to relax," Draco said while smirking. Harry nodded and he was so excited.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Where stories live. Discover now