Chapter Nineteen

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Draco woke up slowly. Instantly he was excited. Today him and Harry were going back to Malfoy Manner. "Blaise! Wake your lazy ass up," Draco yelled, pulling his roommate's curtains open. He was surprised to find Zabini's bed empty. Of course. He's with Finnigan, Draco thought to himself. It didn't matter though. Today was all about him and Harry. With a constant smile on his face, the blonde Slytherin got ready. In the shower Draco looked down at his dark mark. He did the same thing as he did every morning. Taking the small razor he kept in his shower he made six small incisions. He thought this would get rid of the mark. Deep down Draco knew it wouldn't but it made him feel better. Without another thought, Draco stepped out of the shower and got changed. He then grabbed his trunk and ran through the corridors until he reached the Gryffindor common room. "Oh you again Malfoy. You know the rules. But I must agree. You do make Mr Potter happy so in you go," the fat lady said to Draco. He gave the portrait a sarcastic smirk as he entered the room. It was so much cosier than the Slytherin common room. In the far corner he could see Harry surrounded by Ron, Hermione, Dean, Seamus, Blaise, Ginny and his trunk. They were all talking happily. "Filthy Mr Potter," Draco said loudly while smirking. Instantly, the raven-haired boy whipped around. He ran towards Draco and pulled him into a hug. "Hey beautiful," Harry said, giving Draco a slight kiss. Harry took a moment to appreciate his fiancé's outfit. Draco was wearing a light grey sweater that matched his eyes perfectly. Tight black trousers that Harry thought made his ass look magical. The look was finished off with black boots, a black bomber jacket and his Slytherin scarf. Damn. Why the fuck is he so attractive, Harry thought to himself.  "You ready babe?" Draco asked while keeping hold of Harry. Harry nodded and ran to get his trunk. The two boys walked out of the common room and down the corridors hand in hand.

*Time skip to the Hogwarts Express*

"I'm so excited for you to meet my family. Especially mother. I think she'll love you," Draco whispered into Harry's hair. They were sat in their own compartment, snuggled up by the window. "I really hope she does Dray. I want your family to like me," Harry muttered in reply. About five minutes later the train pulled into Kings Cross station. Draco helped Harry up and pulled him into a hug. "Ready?" Draco muttered. "Ready," Harry replied. They shared a small kiss in that moment. Then the boys collected their trunks and stepped off the train, hand in hand. Draco looked around for his mother. It wouldn't be that hard. All Malfoys were very noticeable. They were all tall with signature white-blonde hair. Draco's spotted his mother and nudged Harry. They both walked over to the slender woman. "Draco. I've missed you so much darling," Narcissa exclaimed, pulling her son into a hug. "I've missed you too mother. I've brought someone for you to meet. This is Harry. My fiancé," Draco told his mother. Harry waved nervously. "I'm so happy for you dear. I only want you to be happy. No matter who that's with. The car is waiting outside for us. We'll talk more at home," Narcissa told them. The boys nodded and followed her. Draco smiled reassuringly at Harry and squeezed his hand tight. He was so happy it had gone well. Well, there was still his father to tell. Somehow Draco didn't think that would go quite as smoothly.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Where stories live. Discover now