Chapter Twenty-Three

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Draco woke up in a very unfamiliar room. Everything in his eyeline was red, gold or brown. Where the fuck am I? Draco thought. Then someone moaned beside him. Dray turned over to see Harry staring back at him fondly. Suddenly everything came flooding back. His mother loving Harry, his father disowning him, the resorting of the houses. Draco was in Gryffindor now! "Morning beautiful," Harry muttered, sitting up. Draco tumbled out of bed and sat next to Harry. "Good morning my beautiful Gryffindor," Draco replied, pulling Harry into a kiss. Harry giggled slightly. "You're my beautiful Gryffindor as well now," he giggled. Then there was a loud thump from the other side of the room. The two asleep boys (Thomas and Finnigan) sat bolt upright. All four of them looked over to see Ron laying on the floor. The ginger boy uttered something that kind of sounded like hello. That was the tipping point. The whole dorm erupted in fits of giggles. "Right boys. I'm going in the shower. Don't get to turned on when I get out," Draco said. He picked up his fluffy towel and winked at Harry who turned bright red. The laughter didn't stop instead it just worsened. Within an hour all five boys were showered, dressed and had their bags packed. "Right lets go. Your first day officially as a Gryffindor. You excited?" Harry asked, grabbing Draco's hand. He had to admit. The Gryffindor robes looked fucking amazing on Draco. "Yep," Draco replied happily. The five of them wandered down the corridors into the great hall. People quietened as Draco entered, presumably waiting for him to sit at the Gryffindor table. Without a stumble, Draco slid smoothly in between Weasley and Potter. "How dare you even carry the Malfoy name!" Someone shouted from the Slytherin table. Draco didn't bother to turn round. He knew who it was. "Well then Goyle. It's a good thing I'm gonna be Draco Potter soon then. Isn't it?" Draco said calmly, holding up his and Harry's linked hands. Silence. Draco had won. "See this is why I love you. You're a bitch, but a sexy bitch," Harry giggled. He pulled Draco into a kiss as every pair of eyes in the great hall stared at them. Within a minute, everyone was back to normal. Well, except for Ron. He was staring longingly at his breakfast. Still missing Hermione then. To be completely honest he was probably trying to figure out a way to turn his scrambled eggs into Hermione. Nobody could blame him though. Him and Hermione had been through so much together. The least they deserved is to be able to be in the same house. However Snape hated both Ron and Hermione and he knew Hermione would be resorted into Ravenclaw. Damn. Harry really did hate Snape.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Where stories live. Discover now