Chapter Twenty - Six

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Harry woke up slowly and winced. Why was he on the floor? Why did is face hurt so much? Then everything came back. His hand felt the patch on his cheek where the slap was placed. He let out a small groan as he stood up. Right. I'll just get dressed and then go to breakfast, Harry thought. He trudged up the stairs but was stopped halfway up. Draco gripped his arm. He went to pull Harry into a hug but it was returned with Harry running up the rest of the stairs. "Harry please?" Draco called out painfully. Harry ignored it but instead fell behind the door of the room. He pulled on his robes, brushed his hair slightly and grabbed his bag. "What's up hazza?" Ron asked sleepily. "," Harry stuttered in reply. "Mate you can tell me." "Just fuck off Ron," the green-eyed boy yelled as he slammed the door shut. He belted it down the stairs and along the corridors. Everyone stared at him as he walked to the Great Hall. People were obviously suspicious. Him and Draco went everywhere together. For them I suddenly be separate was confusing. Harry tried to ignore it but it was hard. He faced a harder decision though. Instantly once he stepped into the Great Hall, Draco shining mercury eyes were staring at him longingly. Tears filled the corners of Harry's eyes as he walked past his fiancé. Draco tried to grab his arm but he avoided it. Once he was sat down he didn't feel any better. He didn't feel like eating. After about five minutes he decided to just fuck everything and leave. Harry grabbed his bag and ran out of the Great Hall. Once he was out of there he ran to the room of requirements. The door let him in and he collapsed on the floor. Harry didn't feel like moving and he didn't feel like he physically could. After all his tears were gone and dried on the floor, his robe and his cheeks Harry curled up into a ball. His eyes started to droop and he let sleep take over his body. Nothing could go wrong in sleep at least.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Where stories live. Discover now