Chapter Twenty

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"Come in dears," Narcissa Malfoy said to the two boys. They had just arrived at Malfoy Manner. Narcissa had been so supportive of Harry and Draco. She told them that she always had a hunch Draco was gay. Of course, this created hysterics in the car. "Well, Draco. I do only have your room ready. I'm perfectly happy to prepare another for you, Harry. Would you like that?" The small woman asked. Harry smiled politely. "No I'm okay thank you. Draco and I will share a bed. If that's okay with you Mrs Malfoy?" He asked sweetly. Draco pulled his fiancé into the crook of his elbow. "That's fine dear. Call me Narcissa," Narcissa replied. Harry nodded at the comment. "We'll go unpack mother. Call us down when dinner is ready," Draco said picking up his trunk. Harry picked up his and followed Dray. They turned the corner in the corridor to find, what Harry presumed, was their room. Inside was a desk, large double bed, huge wardrobe and giant glass windows. Yeah. I can tell this is Draco's room, Harry thought. "You can put your things in here. We have to get used to sharing anyway. For when we're married," Draco said. He gripped the Gryffindor's waist and pulled him close. They exchanged kisses until they heard a door slam. "Narcissa. I'm home," Lucius called. Draco looked at Harry worriedly but Harry's gave him a reassuring look back. Dray grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him down the stairs. "Father. I have someone for you to meet. This is my fiancé. Harry," Draco told his father nervously. The shade of Lucius's face went from pale to red to purple in a matter of three seconds. This had gone just how Draco imagined it would. Horribly.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora